necesito un modulo super simple en el cual lo único que tenga que hacer el usuario es enviar su e-mail y nada más....
Saludos y gracias
| ||||
Respuesta: modulo para suscribirse pero necesito que solo aparezca el campo del mail... como tengo que modificar el php Cita: <?php // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); $myNameLabel = $params->get('name_label', 'Name:'); $myEmailLabel = $params->get('email_label', 'Email:'); $recipient = $params->get('email_recipient', ''); $buttonText = $params->get('button_text', 'Subscribe to Newsletter'); $pageText = $params->get('page_text', 'Thank you for subscribing to our site.'); $errorText = $params->get('errot_text', 'Your subscription could not be submitted. Please try again.'); $subject = $params->get('subject', 'New subscription to your site!'); $fromName = $params->get('from_name', 'Newsletter Subscriber'); $fromEmail = $params->get('from_email', '[email protected]'); $sendingWithSetEmail = $params->get('sending_from_set', true); $noName = $params->get('no_name', 'Please write your name'); $noEmail = $params->get('no_email', 'Please write your email'); $invalidEmail = $params->get('invalid_email', 'Please write a valid email'); $nameWidth = $params->get('name_width', '20'); $emailWidth = $params->get('email_width', '20'); $buttonWidth = $params->get('button_width', '100'); $saveList = $params->get('save_list', true); $savePath = $params->get('save_path', 'mailing_list.txt'); $mod_class_suffix = $params->get('moduleclass_sfx', ''); $thanksTextColor = $params->get('thank_text_color', '#FF0000'); $pre_text = $params->get('pre_text', ''); $disable_https = $params->get('disable_https', false); $exact_url = $params->get('exact_url', true); if (!$exact_url) { $url = JURI::current(); } else { if (!$disable_https) { $url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { $url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } } $fixed_url = $params->get('fixed_url', true); if ($fixed_url) { $url = $params->get('fixed_url_address', ""); } $unique_id = $params->get('unique_id', ""); $enable_anti_spam = $params->get('enable_anti_spam', true); $myAntiSpamQuestion = $params->get('anti_spam_q', 'How many eyes has a typical person? (ex: 1)'); $myAntiSpamAnswer = $params->get('anti_spam_a', '2'); $myError = ""; $errors = 0; if (isset($_POST["m_name".$unique_id])) { if ($enable_anti_spam) { if ($_POST["modns_anti_spam_answer".$unique_id] != $myAntiSpamAnswer) { $myError = '<span style="color: #f00;">' . JText::_('Wrong anti-spam answer') . '</span><br/>'; } } if ($_POST["m_name".$unique_id] === "") { $myError = $myError . '<span style="color: #f00;">' . $noName . '</span><br/>'; $errors = $errors + 1; } if ($_POST["m_email".$unique_id] === "") { $myError = $myError . '<span style="color: #f00;">' . $noEmail . '</span><br/>'; $errors = $errors + 2; } else if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $_POST["m_email".$unique_id])) { $myError = $myError . '<span style="color: #f00;">' . $invalidEmail . '</span><br/>'; $errors = $errors + 2; } if ($myError == "") { $myMessage = $myNameLabel . ' ' . $_POST["m_name".$unique_id] . ', ' . $myEmailLabel . ' ' . $_POST["m_email".$unique_id] . ', ' . date("r"); $mailSender = &JFactory::getMailer(); $mailSender->addRecipient($recipient); if ($sendingWithSetEmail) { $mailSender->setSender(array($fromEmail,$fromName)); } else { $mailSender->setSender(array($_POST["m_email".$unique_id],$_POST["m_name".$unique_id])); } $mailSender->setSubject($subject); $mailSender->setBody($myMessage); if (!$mailSender->Send()) { $myReplacement = '<span style="color: #f00;">' . $errorText . '</span>'; print $myReplacement; } else { $myReplacement = '<span style="color: '.$thanksTextColor.';">' . $pageText . '</span>'; print $myReplacement; } if ($saveList) { $file = fopen($savePath, "a"); fwrite($file, $_POST["m_name".$unique_id]." (".$_POST["m_email".$unique_id]."); "); fclose($file); } return true; } } if ($recipient === "") { $myReplacement = '<span style="color: #f00;">No recipient specified</span>'; print $myReplacement; return true; } if ($recipient === "[email protected]") { $myReplacement = '<span style="color: #f00;">Mail Recipient is specified as [email protected].<br/>Please change it from the Module parameters.</span>'; print $myReplacement; return true; } if ($myError != "") { print $myError; } print '<div class="modns"><form action="' . $url . '" method="post">' . "\n" . '<div class="modnsintro">'.$pre_text.'</div>' . "\n"; print '<table>'; if ($enable_anti_spam) { print '<tr><td colspan="2">' . $myAntiSpamQuestion . '</td></tr><tr><td></td><td><input class="modns inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="modns_anti_spam_answer'.$unique_id.'" size="' . $nameWidth . '"/></td></tr>' . "\n"; } print '<tr><td>' . $myNameLabel . '</td><td><input class="modns inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="m_name'.$unique_id.'" size="' . $nameWidth . '"'; if (($errors & 1) != 1) { print ' value="'.$_POST["m_name".$unique_id].'"'; } print '/></td></tr>' . "\n"; print '<tr><td>' . $myEmailLabel . '</td><td><input class="modns inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="m_email'.$unique_id.'" size="' . $emailWidth . '"'; if (($errors & 2) != 2) { print ' value="'.$_POST["m_email".$unique_id].'"'; } print '/></td></tr>' . "\n"; print '<tr><td colspan="2"><input class="modns button ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="submit" value="' . $buttonText . '" style="width: ' . $buttonWidth . '%"/></td></tr></table></form></div>' . "\n"; return true; |