Aqui os pongo los trozos de lo que he modificado.
Código PHP:
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function sendemail() { // Get the document object. $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); // Set the MIME type for JSON output. $document->setMimeEncoding( 'application/json' ); jimport( 'joomla.mail.helper' ); $name = $_POST['name']; $email = JMailHelper::cleanAddress($_POST['email']); $comment = JMailHelper::cleanBody($_POST['comment']); $phone = $_POST['phone']; $begindate = $_POST['from date']; $enddate = $_POST['to date']; $adults = $_POST['num adults']; $childrens = $_POST['num childrens']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $to = JMailHelper::cleanAddress($_POST['to']); //print_r($_POST); #if incorecct email $return_arr["email_invalid"] = 'true'; } #if empty fields elseif($email == '' or $name =='') { $return_arr["empty"] = 'true'; } #if empty fields elseif($_POST['captcha'] != $_POST['recaptcha']) { $return_arr["captcha"] = 'false'; } else { $body = JText::_('JE_BFORM_FROM') .$name."<br><br><br> ".JText::_('JE_EMAILFORM_PHONE')." ".$phone." <br><br><br> ".JText::_('JE_EMAILFORM_MESSAGE')." ".$comment." <br><br><br> ".JText::_('JE_EMAILFORM__BEGINDATE')." ".$begindate." <br><br><br> ".JText::_('JE_EMAILFORM__ENDDATE')." ".$enddate." <br><br><br>".JText::_('JE_EMAILFORM_ADULTS')." ".$adults." <br><br><br> ".JText::_('JE_EMAILFORM_CHILDRENS')." ".$childrens; #if succesfull than send if (JUtility::sendMail($email, $name, $to, $subject, $body ,$mode = true ) !== true) { $return_arr["sending_error"] = 'true'; } } } /** FUNCTION THAT SENDS EMAIL **/ function tellafriend() { // Get the document object. $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); // Set the MIME type for JSON output. $document->setMimeEncoding( 'application/json' ); jimport( 'joomla.mail.helper' ); $name = $_POST['name']; $email = JMailHelper::cleanAddress($_POST['email']); $comment = JMailHelper::cleanBody($_POST['comment']); $phone = $_POST['phone']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $begindate = $_POST['from date']; $enddate = $_POST['to date']; $adults = $_POST['num adults']; $childrens = $_POST['num childrens']; $to = JMailHelper::cleanAddress($_POST['to']); $id = $_POST['idt']; $category = $_POST['catid']; $ad_headline = $_POST['ad_headline']; //print_r($_POST); #if incorecct email $return_arr["email_invalid"] = 'true'; } #if empty fields elseif($email == '' or $name =='') { $return_arr["empty"] = 'true'; } #if empty fields elseif($_POST['captcha'] != $_POST['recaptcha']) { $return_arr["captcha"] = 'false'; } else { if ($phone) {$ph = "<br>".JText::_('JE_EMAILFORM_PHONE')." ".$phone;} $uri = JURI::getInstance(); $body = JText::_('JE_BFORM_FROM') ." ".$name."<br>".$ph." <br><br><br> ".JText::_('JE_EMAILFORM_MESSAGE')." ".$comment."<br /><br /><a href='http://".$uri->getHost().JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_micompo&task=detailed&id=$id&ad_headline=$ad_headline&category=$category")."'><strong>$ad_headline</strong></a>"; En otro archivo modifique esto: {*CONTACT*} {if $params->get(contact)} {if $data->bcont} <div id="tabs-4" class="detailed_box"> <div class="detailed_box_bar">{JText text='JE_DEATAILED_CONTACT'}</div> <form id="emailForm" action=""> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top" class="detailed_box_email" width="50%"> <div style="width: 80%"> <p><label>{JText text="JE_EMAILFORM_FROM"}</label><br /> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" style="width: 100%" /></p> <p><label>{JText text="JE_EMAILFORM_EMAIL"}</label><br /> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" style="width: 100%" /></p> <p><label>{JText text="JE_EMAILFORM_PHONE"}</label><br /> <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" style="width: 100%" /></p> <p><label>{JText text="JE_EMAILFORM_BEGINDATE"}</label><br /> <input type="text" name="from date" id="begindate" style="width: 100%" /></p> <p><label>{JText text="JE_EMAILFORM_ENDDATE"}</label><br /> <input type="text" name="to date" id="enddate" style="width: 100%" /></p> <p><label>{JText text="JE_EMAILFORM_ADULTS"}</label><br /> <input type="text" name="num of adults" id="adults" style="width: 100%" /></p> <p><label>{JText text="JE_EMAILFORM_CHILDREN"}</label><br /> <input type="text" name="num of children" id="children" style="width: 100%" /></p> <p><label>{JText text="JE_EMAILFORM_MESSAGE"}</label> <span id="charLeft" class="je_small"> </span><br /><textarea name="comment" id="comment" style="width: 100%" rows="4"></textarea> </p> </div> </td>