Respuesta: cargar paises y ciudades en un combo en community builder Ah, yo lo que usé una vez fue un query de la base de datos que alguien por ahí sacó, una vez que hizo toda la lista país por país. RECOMENDADO: Hacer backup de la base de datos ANTES de importar esta tabla, verdad, no vaya a ser...
Lo paso en dos post, poque el sistema sólo permite 10000 caracteres, y el post completo me quedaría de 10249. Espero que los moderadores me dejen hacer eso :-p
Es esta:
Código MySQL:
Ver original-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- -- -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Jun 30, 2009 at 09:52 PM -- Server version: 5.0.75 -- PHP Version: 5.2.5 SET SQL_MODE ="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; -- -- Database: `nombre_de_la_base_de_datos` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `jos_comprofiler_field_values` -- KEY `fieldid_ordering` (`fieldid`,`ordering`), KEY `fieldtitle_id` (`fieldtitle`,`fieldid`) -- -- Dumping data for table `jos_comprofiler_field_values` -- INSERT INTO `jos_comprofiler_field_values` (`fieldvalueid`, `fieldid`, `fieldtitle`, `ordering`, `sys`) VALUES (1243, 59, 'US Minor Outlying Islands', 235, 0), (1241, 59, 'United States Virgin Islands', 233, 0), (1242, 59, 'Uruguay', 234, 0), (1240, 59, 'United States of America', 232, 0), (1239, 59, 'United Kingdom', 231, 0), (1238, 59, 'United Arab Emirates', 230, 0), (1237, 59, 'Ukraine', 229, 0), (1236, 59, 'Uganda', 228, 0), (1235, 59, 'Tuvalu', 227, 0), (1234, 59, 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 226, 0), (1233, 59, 'Turkmenistan', 225, 0), (1232, 59, 'Turkey', 224, 0), (1231, 59, 'Tunisia', 223, 0), (1230, 59, 'Trinidad and Tobago', 222, 0), (1229, 59, 'Tonga', 221, 0), (1228, 59, 'Tokelau', 220, 0), (1227, 59, 'Togo', 219, 0), (1226, 59, 'Timor-Leste', 218, 0), (1225, 59, 'Thailand', 217, 0), (1224, 59, 'Tanzania', 216, 0), (1223, 59, 'Tajikistan', 215, 0), (1220, 59, 'Switzerland', 212, 0), (1221, 59, 'Syria', 213, 0), (1222, 59, 'Taiwan', 214, 0), (1219, 59, 'Sweden', 211, 0), (1218, 59, 'Swaziland', 210, 0), (1217, 59, 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands', 209, 0), (1216, 59, 'Suriname', 208, 0), (1215, 59, 'Sudan', 207, 0), (1214, 59, 'Sri Lanka', 206, 0), (1213, 59, 'Spain', 205, 0), (1212, 59, 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 204, 0), (1211, 59, 'South Africa', 203, 0), (1210, 59, 'Somalia', 202, 0), (1209, 59, 'Solomon Islands', 201, 0), (1208, 59, 'Slovenia', 200, 0), (1206, 59, 'Singapore', 198, 0), (1207, 59, 'Slovak Republic', 199, 0), (1205, 59, 'Sierra Leone', 197, 0), (1203, 59, 'Serbia and Montenegro', 195, 0), (1204, 59, 'Seychelles', 196, 0), (1202, 59, 'Senegal', 194, 0), (1201, 59, 'Saudia Arabia', 193, 0), (1200, 59, 'Sao Tome and Principe', 192, 0), (1199, 59, 'San Marino', 191, 0), (1198, 59, 'Samoa', 190, 0), (1197, 59, 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 189, 0), (1196, 59, 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 188, 0), (1195, 59, 'Saint Lucia', 187, 0), (1194, 59, 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 186, 0), (1193, 59, 'Saint Helena', 185, 0), (1192, 59, 'Rwanda', 184, 0), (1190, 59, 'Romania', 182, 0), (1191, 59, 'Russia', 183, 0), (1189, 59, 'Reunion', 181, 0), (1188, 59, 'Qatar', 180, 0), (1187, 59, 'Puerto Rico', 179, 0), (1186, 59, 'Portugal', 178, 0), (1185, 59, 'Poland', 177, 0), (1184, 59, 'Pitcairn Island', 176, 0), (1183, 59, 'Philippines', 175, 0), (1182, 59, 'Peru', 174, 0), (1181, 59, 'Paraguay', 173, 0), (1180, 59, 'Papua New Guinea', 172, 0), (1179, 59, 'Panama', 171, 0), (1178, 59, 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied', 170, 0), (1176, 59, 'Pakistan', 168, 0), (1177, 59, 'Palau', 169, 0), (1175, 59, 'Oman', 167, 0), (1174, 59, 'Norway', 166, 0), (1173, 59, 'Northern Mariana Islands', 165, 0), (1172, 59, 'Norfolk Island', 164, 0), (1171, 59, 'Nigeria', 163, 0), (1170, 59, 'Niger', 162, 0), (1169, 59, 'Niue', 161, 0), (1168, 59, 'Nicaragua', 160, 0), (1167, 59, 'New Zealand', 159, 0), (1166, 59, 'New Caledonia', 158, 0), (1165, 59, 'Netherlands Antilles', 157, 0), (1164, 59, 'Netherlands', 156, 0), (1163, 59, 'Nepal', 155, 0), (1162, 59, 'Nauru', 154, 0), (1160, 59, 'Myanmar', 152, 0), (1161, 59, 'Namibia', 153, 0), (1159, 59, 'Mozambique', 151, 0), (1158, 59, 'Morocco', 150, 0), (1157, 59, 'Montserrat', 149, 0), (1156, 59, 'Mongolia', 148, 0), (1155, 59, 'Monaco', 147, 0), (1154, 59, 'Moldova', 146, 0), (1153, 59, 'Micronesia', 145, 0), (1152, 59, 'Mexico', 144, 0), (1150, 59, 'Mauritius', 142, 0), (1151, 59, 'Mayotte', 143, 0), (1149, 59, 'Mauritania', 141, 0), (1148, 59, 'Martinique', 140, 0), (1147, 59, 'Marshall Islands', 139, 0), (1146, 59, 'Malta', 138, 0), (1145, 59, 'Mali', 137, 0), (1144, 59, 'Maldives', 136, 0), (1143, 59, 'Malaysia', 135, 0), (1142, 59, 'Malawi', 134, 0), (1139, 59, 'Macau', 131, 0), (1140, 59, 'Macedonia', 132, 0), (1141, 59, 'Madagascar', 133, 0), (1138, 59, 'Luxembourg', 130, 0), (1137, 59, 'Lithuania', 129, 0), (1135, 59, 'Libya', 127, 0), (1136, 59, 'Liechtenstein', 128, 0), (1134, 59, 'Liberia', 126, 0), (1133, 59, 'Lesotho', 125, 0), (1132, 59, 'Lebanon', 124, 0), (1131, 59, 'Latvia', 123, 0), (1130, 59, 'Laos', 122, 0), (1129, 59, 'Kyrgyzstan', 121, 0), (1128, 59, 'Kuwait', 120, 0), (1127, 59, 'Korea, South', 119, 0), (1126, 59, 'Korea, North', 118, 0), (1125, 59, 'Kiribati', 117, 0), (1124, 59, 'Kenya', 116, 0), (1123, 59, 'Kazakhstan', 115, 0), (1122, 59, 'Jordan', 114, 0), (1121, 59, 'Jersey', 113, 0), (1120, 59, 'Japan', 112, 0), (1119, 59, 'Jamaica', 111, 0),
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