Mi idea es que esto funcione para arrancar con el sitio.
En mi caso sale lo siguiente:
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![]() Tengo el theme Obscure 2.0 por akosipau pero a la hora de publicar entradas no salen sus respectivas imagenes como en el demo del theme original. Mi idea es que esto funcione para arrancar con el sitio. En mi caso sale lo siguiente: LA ENTRADA ![]() EL SLIDE ![]() |
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Respuesta: Slide Theme Obscure 2.0 Esta claro, tiene que ver con el script, supongo por los permisos de escritura, si no mira la url http://megagamestorrent.com/wp-conte...t-211x3001.jpg, la imagen va. Vete a la carpeta cache y darle permisos de escritura |
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Respuesta: Slide Theme Obscure 2.0 El script esta aqui, http://megagamestorrent.com/wp-conte...e/timthumb.php abrelo y pegamelo o solamente mira el codigo para ver donde crea las imagenes redimenzionadas |
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Respuesta: Slide Theme Obscure 2.0
SIGUE ABAJO <?php /* TimThumb script created by Tim McDaniels and Darren Hoyt with tweaks by Ben Gillbanks http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/ MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Paramters --------- w: width h: height zc: zoom crop (0 or 1) q: quality (default is 75 and max is 100) HTML example: <img src="/scripts/timthumb.php?src=/images/whatever.jpg&w=150&h=200&zc=1" alt="" /> */ /* $sizeLimits = array( "100x100", "150x150", ); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); */ // check to see if GD function exist if(!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { displayError('GD Library Error: imagecreatetruecolor does not exist - please contact your webhost and ask them to install the GD library'); } define ('CACHE_SIZE', 250); // number of files to store before clearing cache define ('CACHE_CLEAR', 5); // maximum number of files to delete on each cache clear define ('VERSION', '1.11'); // version number (to force a cache refresh if (function_exists('imagefilter') && defined('IMG_FILTER_NEGATE')) { $imageFilters = array( "1" => array(IMG_FILTER_NEGATE, 0), "2" => array(IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE, 0), "3" => array(IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, 1), "4" => array(IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST, 1), "5" => array(IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, 4), "6" => array(IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT, 0), "7" => array(IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS, 0), "8" => array(IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR, 0), "9" => array(IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR, 0), "10" => array(IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL, 0), "11" => array(IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH, 0), ); } // sort out image source $src = get_request("src", ""); if($src == '' || strlen($src) <= 3) { displayError ('no image specified'); } // clean params before use $src = cleanSource($src); // last modified time (for caching) $lastModified = filemtime($src); // get properties $new_width = preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", get_request("w", 0)); $new_height = preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", get_request("h", 0)); $zoom_crop = preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", get_request("zc", 1)); $quality = preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", get_request("q", 80)); $filters = get_request("f", ""); if ($new_width == 0 && $new_height == 0) { $new_width = 100; $new_height = 100; } // set path to cache directory (default is ./cache) // this can be changed to a different location $cache_dir = './cache'; // get mime type of src $mime_type = mime_type($src); // check to see if this image is in the cache already check_cache ($cache_dir, $mime_type); // if not in cache then clear some space and generate a new file cleanCache(); ini_set('memory_limit', "50M"); // make sure that the src is gif/jpg/png if(!valid_src_mime_type($mime_type)) { displayError("Invalid src mime type: " .$mime_type); } if(strlen($src) && file_exists($src)) { // open the existing image $image = open_image($mime_type, $src); if($image === false) { displayError('Unable to open image : ' . $src); } // Get original width and height $width = imagesx($image); $height = imagesy($image); // generate new w/h if not provided if( $new_width && !$new_height ) { $new_height = $height * ( $new_width / $width ); } elseif($new_height && !$new_width) { $new_width = $width * ( $new_height / $height ); } elseif(!$new_width && !$new_height) { $new_width = $width; $new_height = $height; } // create a new true color image $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor( $new_width, $new_height ); imagealphablending($canvas, false); // Create a new transparent color for image $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($canvas, 0, 0, 0, 127); // Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color. imagefill($canvas, 0, 0, $color); // Restore transparency blending imagesavealpha($canvas, true); if( $zoom_crop ) { $src_x = $src_y = 0; $src_w = $width; $src_h = $height; $cmp_x = $width / $new_width; $cmp_y = $height / $new_height; // calculate x or y coordinate and width or height of source if ( $cmp_x > $cmp_y ) { $src_w = round( ( $width / $cmp_x * $cmp_y ) ); $src_x = round( ( $width - ( $width / $cmp_x * $cmp_y ) ) / 2 ); } elseif ( $cmp_y > $cmp_x ) { $src_h = round( ( $height / $cmp_y * $cmp_x ) ); $src_y = round( ( $height - ( $height / $cmp_y * $cmp_x ) ) / 2 ); } imagecopyresampled( $canvas, $image, 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y, $new_width, $new_height, $src_w, $src_h ); } else { // copy and resize part of an image with resampling imagecopyresampled( $canvas, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height ); } |
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Respuesta: Slide Theme Obscure 2.0
Es larguito el asunto... if ($filters != '' && function_exists('imagefilter') && defined('IMG_FILTER_NEGATE')) { // apply filters to image $filterList = explode("|", $filters); foreach($filterList as $fl) { $filterSettings = explode(",", $fl); if(isset($imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]])) { for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i ++) { if(!isset($filterSettings[$i])) { $filterSettings[$i] = null; } } switch($imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][1]) { case 1: imagefilter($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1]); break; case 2: imagefilter($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1], $filterSettings[2]); break; case 3: imagefilter($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1], $filterSettings[2], $filterSettings[3]); break; default: imagefilter($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0]); break; } } } } // output image to browser based on mime type show_image($mime_type, $canvas, $cache_dir); // remove image from memory imagedestroy($canvas); } else { if(strlen($src)) { displayError("image " . $src . " not found"); } else { displayError("no source specified"); } } /** * */ function show_image($mime_type, $image_resized, $cache_dir) { global $quality; // check to see if we can write to the cache directory $is_writable = 0; $cache_file_name = $cache_dir . '/' . get_cache_file(); if (touch($cache_file_name)) { // give 666 permissions so that the developer // can overwrite web server user chmod ($cache_file_name, 0666); $is_writable = 1; } else { $cache_file_name = NULL; header ('Content-type: ' . $mime_type); } switch ($mime_type) { case 'image/jpeg': imagejpeg($image_resized, $cache_file_name, $quality); break; default : $quality = floor ($quality * 0.09); imagepng($image_resized, $cache_file_name, $quality); } if ($is_writable) { show_cache_file ($cache_dir, $mime_type); } imagedestroy ($image_resized); displayError ("error showing image"); } /** * */ function get_request( $property, $default = 0 ) { if( isset($_REQUEST[$property]) ) { return $_REQUEST[$property]; } else { return $default; } } /** * */ function open_image($mime_type, $src) { $mime_type = strtolower($mime_type); if (stristr ($mime_type, 'gif')) { $image = imagecreatefromgif($src); } elseif (stristr($mime_type, 'jpeg')) { @ini_set ('gd.jpeg_ignore_warning', 1); $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($src); } elseif (stristr ($mime_type, 'png')) { $image = imagecreatefrompng($src); } return $image; } /** * clean out old files from the cache * you can change the number of files to store and to delete per loop in the defines at the top of the code */ function cleanCache() { $files = glob("cache/*", GLOB_BRACE); if (count($files) > 0) { $yesterday = time() - (24 * 60 * 60); usort($files, 'filemtime_compare'); $i = 0; if (count($files) > CACHE_SIZE) { foreach ($files as $file) { $i ++; if ($i >= CACHE_CLEAR) { return; } if (@filemtime($file) > $yesterday) { return; } if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } } } } /** * compare the file time of two files */ function filemtime_compare($a, $b) { return filemtime($a) - filemtime($b); } /** * determine the file mime type */ function mime_type($file) { if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { $os = 'WIN'; } else { $os = PHP_OS; } $mime_type = ''; if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { $mime_type = mime_content_type($file); } // use PECL fileinfo to determine mime type if (!valid_src_mime_type($mime_type)) { if (function_exists('finfo_open')) { $finfo = @finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); if ($finfo != '') { $mime_type = finfo_file($finfo, $file); finfo_close($finfo); } } } // try to determine mime type by using unix file command // this should not be executed on windows if (!valid_src_mime_type($mime_type) && $os != "WIN") { if (preg_match("/FREEBSD|LINUX/", $os)) { $mime_type = trim(@shell_exec('file -bi ' . escapeshellarg($file))); } } // use file's extension to determine mime type if (!valid_src_mime_type($mime_type)) { // set defaults $mime_type = 'image/png'; // file details $fileDetails = pathinfo($file); $ext = strtolower($fileDetails["extension"]); // mime types $types = array( 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'png' => 'image/png', 'gif' => 'image/gif' ); if (strlen($ext) && strlen($types[$ext])) { $mime_type = $types[$ext]; } } return $mime_type; } |
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Respuesta: Slide Theme Obscure 2.0
/** * */ function valid_src_mime_type($mime_type) { if (preg_match("/jpg|jpeg|gif|png/i", $mime_type)) { return true; } return false; } /** * */ function check_cache ($cache_dir, $mime_type) { // make sure cache dir exists if (!file_exists($cache_dir)) { // give 777 permissions so that developer can overwrite // files created by web server user mkdir($cache_dir); chmod($cache_dir, 0777); } show_cache_file ($cache_dir, $mime_type); } /** * */ function show_cache_file ($cache_dir, $mime_type) { $cache_file = $cache_dir . '/' . get_cache_file(); if (file_exists($cache_file)) { $gmdate_mod = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", filemtime($cache_file)); if(! strstr($gmdate_mod, "GMT")) { $gmdate_mod .= " GMT"; } if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"])) { // check for updates $if_modified_since = preg_replace ("/;.*$/", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]); if ($if_modified_since == $gmdate_mod) { header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"); die(); } } $fileSize = filesize ($cache_file); // send headers then display image header ('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type); header ('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); header ('Last-Modified: ' . $gmdate_mod); header ('Content-Length: ' . $fileSize); header ('Cache-Control: max-age=9999, must-revalidate'); header ('Expires: ' . $gmdate_mod); readfile ($cache_file); die(); } } /** * */ function get_cache_file() { global $lastModified; static $cache_file; if (!$cache_file) { $cachename = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . VERSION . $lastModified; $cache_file = md5($cachename) . '.png'; } return $cache_file; } /** * check to if the url is valid or not */ function valid_extension ($ext) { if (preg_match("/jpg|jpeg|png|gif/i", $ext)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * */ function checkExternal ($src) { $allowedSites = array( 'flickr.com', 'picasa.com', 'blogger.com', 'wordpress.com', ); if (ereg('http://', $src) == true) { $url_info = parse_url ($src); $isAllowedSite = false; foreach ($allowedSites as $site) { if (ereg($site, $url_info['host']) == true) { $isAllowedSite = true; } } if ($isAllowedSite) { $filename = explode('/', $src); $local_filepath = 'temp/' . $filename[count($filename) - 1]; if (!file_exists($local_filepath)) { if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $fh = fopen($local_filepath, 'w'); $ch = curl_init($src); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $src); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fh); if (curl_exec($ch) === FALSE) { if (file_exists($local_filepath)) { unlink($local_filepath); } displayError('error reading file ' . $src . ' from remote host: ' . curl_error($ch)); } curl_close($ch); fclose($fh); } else { if (!$img = file_get_contents($src)) { displayError('remote file for ' . $src . ' can not be accessed. It is likely that the file permissions are restricted'); } if (file_put_contents($local_filepath, $img) == FALSE) { displayError('error writing temporary file'); } } if (!file_exists($local_filepath)) { displayError('local file for ' . $src . ' can not be created'); } } $src = $local_filepath; } else { displayError('remote host "' . $url_info['host'] . '" not allowed'); } } return $src; } /** * tidy up the image source url */ function cleanSource($src) { $src = str_replace('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '', $src); $src = str_replace('https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '', $src); $src = htmlentities($src); $src = checkExternal ($src); // remove slash from start of string if(strpos($src, '/') === 0) { $src = substr($src, -(strlen($src) - 1)); } // remove http/ https/ ftp $src = preg_replace("/^((ht|f)tp(s|):\/\/)/i", '', $src); // remove domain name from the source url $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $src = str_replace($host, '', $src); $host = str_replace('www.', '', $host); $src = str_replace($host, '', $src); // don't allow users the ability to use '../' // in order to gain access to files below document root // src should be specified relative to document root like: // src=images/img.jpg or src=/images/img.jpg // not like: // src=../images/img.jpg $src = preg_replace("/\.\.+\//", "", $src); // get path to image on file system $src = get_document_root($src) . '/' . $src; return $src; } /** * */ function get_document_root ($src) { // check for unix servers if(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $src)) { return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } // check from script filename (to get all directories to timthumb location) $parts = array_diff(explode('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), explode('/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])); $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; foreach ($parts as $part) { $path .= '/' . $part; if (file_exists($path . '/' . $src)) { return $path; } } // the relative paths below are useful if timthumb is moved outside of document root // specifically if installed in wordpress themes like mimbo pro: // /wp-content/themes/mimbopro/scripts/timthumb.php $paths = array( ".", "..", "../..", "../../..", "../../../..", "../../../../.." ); foreach ($paths as $path) { if(file_exists($path . '/' . $src)) { return $path; } } // special check for microsoft servers if (!isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { $path = str_replace("/", "\\", $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']); $path = str_replace($path, "", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); if (file_exists($path . '/' . $src)) { return $path; } } displayError('file not found ' . $src); } /** * generic error message */ function displayError($errorString = '') { header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); die($errorString); } ?> |
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Respuesta: Slide Theme Obscure 2.0 vale la carpeta es cache. Solo tienes que darle permisos de escritura no sabe como se hace. Se hace por ftp o por panel de admin, y tienes que ponerles 777 PD: o son los permisos o tu hosting no soporta la libreria GD de php para redimensionar, pero vamos me voy seguro a que son los permisos. Porque la imagen existe. Última edición por gachon; 26/09/2011 a las 12:37 |
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Respuesta: Slide Theme Obscure 2.0 Cita: Sigue igual macho :(, puede ser que sea el hosting, ya que es uno free 000webhost y nose si tiene soporte de imagen.
Iniciado por gachon ![]() vale la carpeta es cache. Solo tienes que darle permisos de escritura no sabe como se hace. Se hace por ftp o por panel de admin, y tienes que ponerles 777 PD: o son los permisos o tu hosting no soporta la libreria GD de php para redimensionar, pero vamos me voy seguro a que son los permisos. Porque la imagen existe. |
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