Aqui el file.... no muy completo por que es bien largo :/
Código PHP:
function add_meta_tags() { echo '<meta name="google-site-verification"
content="vBEX2hbJHk8EHjHXZg3ifGnEFB3TL6YhAxQchYlpRRs" />'; echo '<meta
name="author" content="StarClown Webmaster www.starclownonline.com">'; echo '<meta
name="keywords" content="pupusas, recetas, comida, quesadillas, recetas
salvadorenas,gratis">'; echo '<meta name="url"
content="http://recetassalvadorenas.com" />'; echo '<meta name="description"
content="Encuentra la coleccion de recetas 100% Salvadoreñas mas grande en toda la red y unete a nuestra comunidad en facebook!" />'; echo '<meta name="type" content="article" />';
echo '<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="C7EDD0E2C5C34F504424C73C36B00AFD" />';}
add_action('wp_head', 'add_meta_tags');
add_filter( 'jetpack_enable_opengraph',
'__return_false', 99 );add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'dw_setup' );if ( !
function_exists( 'dw_setup' ) ): function dw_setup() { add_theme_support('post-
thumbnails'); add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );
require_once (TEMPLATEPATH . "/widgets/flickr.php"); }
load_theme_textdomain ('ingredients');
// Project Metainclude
("functions/recipe-meta.php");// Post Typesinclude
("functions/posttypes.php");// Shortcodesinclude
("functions/shortcodes.php");// Widget Areasinclude
add_action ('init', 'my_custom_init');function my_custom_init() { add_post_type_support(
'recipe', 'publicize' );}
if ( !function_exists( 'optionsframework_init' ) ) {
/* Set the file path based on whether the Options Framework Theme is a parent
theme or child theme */ if ( STYLESHEETPATH == TEMPLATEPATH ) { define
('OPTIONS_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTORY', get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/'); } else
define('OPTIONS_FRAMEWORK_DIRECTORY', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/admin/');
} require_once (OPTIONS_FRAMEWORK_URL . 'options-framework.php');}/* * This is
an example of how to add custom scripts to the options panel. * This example
shows/hides an option when a checkbox is clicked. */
add_action ('optionsframework_custom_scripts', 'optionsframework_custom_scripts');function
optionsframework_custom_scripts() { ?><script type="text/javascript">jQuery
(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#example_showhidden').click(function() {
jQuery('#section-example_text_hidden').fadeToggle(400); }); if
(jQuery('#example_showhidden:checked').val() !== undefined) { jQuery
('#section-example_text_hidden').show(); } });</script><?php