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function addScrollers() { // code each scroller as follows: // startScroll('id of scroller div','content of scroller'); startScroll('myscroller','<p><a href="http:\/\/javascript.about.com\/">Focus on JavaScript<\/a> has JavaScript tutorials, help pages, and lots of <b>free scripts<\/b>.<\/p> <p><a href="http:\/\/www.felgall.com\/">Ask Felgall<\/a> for help with anything to do with computers.</p> <p><a href="http:\/\/about.com\/">About.com<\/a> - the ultimate guide directed information resource on the web.<\/p>'); startScroll('twoscroll','<p>Yet another scroller!</p>'); } var speed=15; // scroll speed (bigger = faster) var dR=false; // reverse direction // Vertical Scroller Javascript // copyright 24th September 2005, by Stephen Chapman // permission to use this Javascript on your web page is granted // provided that all of the code below (as well as these // comments) is used without any alteration var step = 2; function objWidth(obj) {if(obj.offsetWidth) return obj.offsetWidth; if (obj.clip) return obj.clip.width; return 0;} function objHeight(obj) {if(obj.offsetHeight) return obj.offsetHeight; if (obj.clip) return obj.clip.height; return 0;} function scrF(i,sH,eH){var x=parseInt(i.top)+(dR? step: -step); if(dR && x>sH)x=-eH;else if(x<2-eH)x=sH;i.top = x+'px';} function startScroll(sN,txt){var scr=document.getElementById(sN); var sW = objWidth(scr)-6; var sH = objHeight(scr); scr.innerHTML = '<div id="'+sN+'in" style="position:absolute; left:3px; width:'+sW+';">'+txt+'<\/div>'; var sTxt=document.getElementById(sN+'in'); var eH=objHeight(sTxt); sTxt.style.top=(dR? -eH : sH)+'px'; sTxt.style.clip='rect(0,'+sW+'px,'+eH+'px,0)'; setInterval(function() {scrF(sTxt.style,sH,eH);},1000/speed);} window.onload = addScrollers;