Código PHP:
<?php get_header();
// this outputs the headline on your mainpage within an h2 tag
if($k_option['general']['headline'] != '')
echo '<div id="feature_info">';
echo '<h2>'.$k_option['general']['headline'].'</h2>';
echo '</div>';
//start the loop that generates the entries
$loopcount = 0;
$additional_loop = new WP_Query("paged=$paged&cat=".$k_option['gallery']['gallery_cat_final']."&posts_per_page=".$k_option['gallery']['post_count']);
echo '<div id="main">';
echo '<div class="content the_gallery">';
if ($additional_loop->have_posts()) :
while ($additional_loop->have_posts()) : $additional_loop->the_post();
//here starts the code generated for each gallery entry:
if ($loopcount === 0) echo '<div class="entry">';
$loopcount ++;
$last = $loopcount === 3 ? 'last': '';
$postlink = get_permalink(); //internal post link
$external = get_post_meta($post->ID, "_external", true); //external link from customfield
$featured = get_post_meta($post->ID, "_prev_featured", true); //check if post gets a featured badge
//set link for postimage depending on the backend option settings
$imagelink = $k_option['gallery']['image_link'] == 'permalink' ? $postlink : $external;
//set link for posttitle depending on the backend option settings
$titlelink = $k_option['gallery']['name_link'] == 'permalink' ? $postlink : $external;
//get the images for the gallery entry, small and big size at a time
$small_prev_image = kriesi_post_thumb($post->ID, array('size'=> array('M','_preview_medium'),
'wh' => $k_option['custom']['imgSize']['M'],
'img_attr' => array('class'=>'item_small')
$big_prev_image = kriesi_post_thumb($post->ID, array('size'=> array('L'),
'wh' => $k_option['custom']['imgSize']['L'],
'img_attr' => array('class'=>'item_big no_preload')
//output the entry with all the parameters gathered above
echo "<div class='gallery_entry gallery_entry_$loopcount $last'>";
echo "<div class='gallery_inner'>";
echo "<a class='preloading gallery_image' href='".$imagelink."'>";
if($featured == 'yes') echo "<span class='featured_entry'></span>";
echo $small_prev_image;
echo $big_prev_image;
echo "</a>";
echo "<span class='comment_link'>";
comments_popup_link(__('0','expose'), __('1','expose'), __('%','expose'));
echo "</span>";
if(function_exists('the_ratings')) the_ratings();
echo "<div class='gallery_excerpt'>";
echo get_the_excerpt();
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<h3><a href='".$titlelink."'>".get_the_title()."</a></h3>";
echo "</div>";
if($loopcount == 3)
$loopcount = 0;
echo '</div>';
if($loopcount !== 0) echo'</div>';
#end content
echo '</div>';
$k_option['showSidebar'] = 'frontpage';