Por favor si alguien me dice que código debo cambiar para insertar directamente la URL de la imagen que va, se lo agradecería mucho.
Código PHP:
<!--begin of ad #1-->
<?php if(get_theme_mod('ad125a') != '') { ?>
<div class="ad125x125">
<?php echo stripslashes(get_theme_mod('ad125a')); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!--end of ad #1-->
Código PHP:
<!--begin of ad 125X125-->
<?php if (get_theme_mod('showad125') == 'Yes') { ?>
<div class="widget">
<div class="adbox">
<div class="left">
<!--begin of ad #1-->
<?php if(get_theme_mod('ad125a') != '') { ?>
<div class="ad125x125">
<?php echo stripslashes(get_theme_mod('ad125a')); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!--end of ad #1-->
<!--begin of ad #3-->
<?php if(get_theme_mod('ad125c') != '') { ?>
<div class="ad125x125">
<?php echo stripslashes(get_theme_mod('ad125c')); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!--end of ad #3-->
</div> <!--end .left-->
<div class="right">
<!--begin of ad #2-->
<?php if(get_theme_mod('ad125b') != '') { ?>
<div class="ad125x125">
<?php echo stripslashes(get_theme_mod('ad125b')); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!--end of ad #2-->
<!--begin of ad #4-->
<?php if(get_theme_mod('ad125d') != '') { ?>
<div class="ad125x125">
<?php echo stripslashes(get_theme_mod('ad125d')); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!--end of ad #4-->
</div> <!--end .right-->
<div class="clear"></div>
</div> <!--end .adbox-->
<div class="clear"></div>
</div> <!--end .widget-->
<?php } ?>
<!--end of ad 125X125-->