12/05/2004, 11:37
| | Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2004 Ubicación: Zaragoza
Mensajes: 63
Antigüedad: 20 años, 11 meses Puntos: 0 | |
Muchisimas gracias JefeMaestro.Pero puedo actualizar la bios con drivers alemanes??? no creo verdad? además no se NADA de alemán. y como además nunca he actualizado una bios,
A ver, este es el README.txt de la actualización:
Advance 9 BIOS V1.9SLC release note.
This disk contains three files:A9_V19.bin,README.TXT,AWDFLASH.EXE
1.The checksum of BIOS File: A9_V19.bin is 9F13(Hex) ;
2. How to use AWDFLASH.EXE utility:
This is a flash memory write/read utility.
The AWDFLASH utility could not correctly run in windows (virtual 8086)
MS-DOS mode. It must be proceeded with the following steps:
1.Create a bootable system floppy diskette by typing "FORMAT A:/S"
from the dos prompt under DOS6.XX or WINDOWS9X environment.
2.Boot system with diskette.
3.Then run the AWDFLASH utility.
* * *ESTO NO ME QUEDA CLARO * * Usage: AWDFLASH [FileName1] [FileName2] [/<sw>[/<sw>...]]
FileName1 : New BIOS Name For Flash Programming
FileName2 : BIOS File For Backing-up the Original BIOS
?: Show Help Messages
py: Program Flash Memory pn: No Flash Programming
sy: Backup Original BIOS To Disk File sn: No Original BIOS Backup
Sb: Skip BootBlock programming sd: Save DMI data to file
cp: Clear PnP(ESCD) Data After Programming
cd: Clear DMI Data After Programming
cc: Clear CMOS Data After Programming
R: RESET System After Programming
Tiny: Occupy lesser memory
E: Return to DOS When Programming is done
F: Use Flash Routines in Original BIOS For Flash Programming
LD: Destroy CMOS Checksum And No System Halt For First Reboot
After Programming
Example: AWDFLASH 2a59i000.bin /py/sn/cd/cp
Avoid power-off incidently in upgrading procedure, or system would fail
to reboot!
UPDATE DATE:09/30/2000 |