Saludos desde Venezuela...
Esto de las RSS( Really Simple Syndication ) Te permitira tener información actualizada de otros sitios que dispongan de esta alternativa ejemplo este Foro, si observas en la parte inferior [RSS] en Naranja

Como puedo implementarlo en mi WEB
A ver:
Estas en un server con Soporte PHP?
Si la respuesta es si:
Script Ejemplo:
Código PHP:
function GetXMLTree ($xmldata)
// we want to know if an error occurs
ini_set ('track_errors', '1');
$xmlreaderror = false;
$parser = xml_parser_create ('ISO-8859-1');
xml_parser_set_option ($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_parser_set_option ($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
if (!xml_parse_into_struct ($parser, $xmldata, $vals, $index)) {
$xmlreaderror = true;
echo "error";
xml_parser_free ($parser);
if (!$xmlreaderror) {
$result = array ();
$i = 0;
if (isset ($vals [$i]['attributes']))
foreach (array_keys ($vals [$i]['attributes']) as $attkey)
$attributes [$attkey] = $vals [$i]['attributes'][$attkey];
$result [$vals [$i]['tag']] = array_merge ($attributes, GetChildren ($vals, $i, 'open'));
ini_set ('track_errors', '0');
return $result;
function GetChildren ($vals, &$i, $type)
if ($type == 'complete') {
if (isset ($vals [$i]['value']))
return ($vals [$i]['value']);
return '';
$children = array (); // Contains node data
/* Loop through children */
while ($vals [++$i]['type'] != 'close') {
$type = $vals [$i]['type'];
// first check if we already have one and need to create an array
if (isset ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']])) {
if (is_array ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']])) {
$temp = array_keys ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']]);
// there is one of these things already and it is itself an array
if (is_string ($temp [0])) {
$a = $children [$vals [$i]['tag']];
unset ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']]);
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']][0] = $a;
} else {
$a = $children [$vals [$i]['tag']];
unset ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']]);
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']][0] = $a;
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']][] = GetChildren ($vals, $i, $type);
} else
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']] = GetChildren ($vals, $i, $type);
// I don't think I need attributes but this is how I would do them:
if (isset ($vals [$i]['attributes'])) {
$attributes = array ();
foreach (array_keys ($vals [$i]['attributes']) as $attkey)
$attributes [$attkey] = $vals [$i]['attributes'][$attkey];
// now check: do we already have an array or a value?
if (isset ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']])) {
// case where there is an attribute but no value, a complete with an attribute in other words
if ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']] == '') {
unset ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']]);
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']] = $attributes;
// case where there is an array of identical items with attributes
elseif (is_array ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']])) {
$index = count ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']]) - 1;
// probably also have to check here whether the individual item is also an array or not or what... all a bit messy
if ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']][$index] == '') {
unset ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']][$index]);
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']][$index] = $attributes;
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']][$index] = array_merge ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']][$index], $attributes);
} else {
$value = $children [$vals [$i]['tag']];
unset ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']]);
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']]['value'] = $value;
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']] = array_merge ($children [$vals [$i]['tag']], $attributes);
} else
$children [$vals [$i]['tag']] = $attributes;
return $children;
//URL del archivo Xml - Lectura
$url = "";
//Resultado de Lectura:
$contents = file_get_contents($url);
echo $data["rss"]["channel"]["description"];
echo "<br><br>";
$t = count($data["rss"]["channel"]["item"]);
for($i = 0; $i < $t; $i++){
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<a href='" . $data["rss"]["channel"]["item"][$i]["link"] . "' target='_blank'>" . $data["rss"]["channel"]["item"][$i]["title"] . "</a>";
echo "<br>";
echo $data["rss"]["channel"]["item"][$i]["description"];
echo "<br><br>";
Sube este script a tu server y te mostrara los ultimos post de este foro, ademas un limk para ir al hilo de cada uno...
Espero no haberte abrumado con esto, nec. aprender algun lenguaje de secuencia de comando (ASP - PHP) para sacar partido a los RSS...