Tengo un combo que enlazado a una tabla de clientes autocomplete los nombre segun la primera letra que pongas, me resulta muy bien

pero quiero que al cambiar el foco al combo, osea de otro control anterior al combo de autocompletar me despliegue la lista de todos los Clientes que tengo en la lista, va mas facil, asi como cuando llenas una forma en la web y te pide el pais. No se si me explique lo debido....veran el codigo para el combo autocomplete es el siguiente por si le sirve a alguien....
Public Sub AutoCompleteKeyUp(ByVal Combo As ComboBox, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs)
Dim strTyped As String
Dim intFoundIndex As Integer
Dim objFoundItem As Object
Dim strFoundText As String
Dim strAppendText As String
' Ignore basic selection keys
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.Back, Keys.Left, Keys.Right, Keys.Up, _
Keys.Delete, Keys.Down, Keys.CapsLock
End Select
' Find what user has typed in list
strTyped = Combo.Text
intFoundIndex = Combo.FindString(strTyped)
' If found...
If intFoundIndex >= 0 Then
' Get list item (actual type depends on whether data bound)
objFoundItem = Combo.Items(intFoundIndex)
' Use control to resolve text - in case data bound
strFoundText = Combo.GetItemText(objFoundItem)
' Append the typed text to rest of the found string
' (text is set twice due to a combo box quirk:
' on certain platforms, setting just once ignores casing!)
strAppendText = strFoundText.Substring(strTyped.Length)
Combo.Text = strTyped & strAppendText
Combo.Text = strTyped & strAppendText
' Select the appended text
Combo.SelectionStart = strTyped.Length
Combo.SelectionLength = strAppendText.Length
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AutoCompleteLeave(ByVal Combo As ComboBox)
' Correct casing when leaving combo
Dim intFoundIndex As Integer
intFoundIndex = Combo.FindStringExact(Combo.Text)
Combo.SelectedIndex = -1
Combo.SelectedIndex = intFoundIndex
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) _
Handles ComboBox1.KeyUp
AutoCompleteKeyUp(ComboBox1, e)
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.Leave
End Sub
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