mil gracias furoya, yo también busqué en la red y encontré esto en hotscripts, creo que sería conveniente que el moderador lo pusiera en las faq, pues allí no hay nada parecido:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript 1.2" type="text/javascript">
Please keep the following lines visible, in recognition of my work...
Author: Max Holman <[email protected]>
Date : Sun, 21 Jan 2001
This functions lets users type in letters to select an option in your SELECT form fields.
Usually the browser only takes notice of single keystrokes and switches to the first Option that
begins with that letter.
This scripts buffers the users input and compares it against the OPTIONs in the SELECT field,
choosing the closest match as you type
Cut and Paste this text into your HTML file or into a separate .js file for inclusion on your site.
Usage: <SELECT onKeyPress = "return shiftHighlight(event.keyCode, this);">
Platform: Only tested on IE5 (Win) - will not work on Netscape
var timerid = null;
var matchString = "";
var mseconds = 1000; // Length of time before search string is reset
function shiftHighlight(keyCode,targ)
keyVal = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); // Convert ASCII Code to a string
matchString = matchString + keyVal; // Add to previously typed characters
elementCnt = targ.length - 1; // Calculate length of array -1
for (i = elementCnt; i > 0; i--)
selectText = targ.options[i].text.toLowerCase(); // convert text in SELECT to lower case
if (selectText.substr(0,matchString.length) == matchString.toLowerCase())
targ.options[i].selected = true; // Make the relevant OPTION selected
clearTimeout(timerid); // Clear the timeout
timerid = setTimeout('matchString = ""',mseconds); // Set a new timeout to reset the key press string
return false; // to prevent IE from doing its own highlight switching
<SELECT NAME=TEST onKeyPress = "return shiftHighlight(event.keyCode, this);">....