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  #6 (permalink)  
Antiguo 25/10/2004, 11:48
Avatar de jrp01
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2004
Ubicación: México
Mensajes: 2.702
Antigüedad: 20 años, 8 meses
Puntos: 0
Pues creo que esto buscas:

Pon 3 cajas de texto llamadas te(0),te(1),te(2),te(3)

Un boton llamado: co1

y pon este codigo:

Option Explicit
DefSng A: DefByte B: DefDbl D: DefInt C, E: DefBool F: DefLng G-L: DefStr M-Z

Private Declare Function MapPhysToLin Lib "WinIo.dll" (ByVal PhysAddr As Long, ByVal PhysSize As Long, ByRef PhysMemHandle) As Long
Private Declare Function UnmapPhysicalMemory Lib "WinIo.dll" (ByVal PhysMemHandle, ByVal LinAddr) As Boolean
Private Declare Function GetPhysLong Lib "WinIo.dll" (ByVal PhysAddr As Long, ByRef PhysVal As Long) As Boolean
Private Declare Function SetPhysLong Lib "WinIo.dll" (ByVal PhysAddr As Long, ByVal PhysVal As Long) As Boolean
Private Declare Function GetPortVal Lib "WinIo.dll" (ByVal PortAddr As Integer, ByRef PortVal As Long, ByVal bSize As Byte) As Boolean
Private Declare Function SetPortVal Lib "WinIo.dll" (ByVal PortAddr As Integer, ByVal PortVal As Long, ByVal bSize As Byte) As Boolean
Private Declare Function InitializeWinIo Lib "WinIo.dll" () As Boolean
Private Declare Function ShutdownWinIo Lib "WinIo.dll" () As Boolean

'On Win 2000/Xp if there are other program using Winio.dll.
'This program will alway result 0.

'On Win 2000/Xp
'if you don't want to clash you need Winio.sys

Private Sub Co1_Click()
Dim s1, s2, f1, i1
For i1 = 0 To 3
f1 = Readsec(i1, s1, s2)
If f1 = True Then te(i1).Text = s1 & vbCrLf & s2
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Call InitializeWinIo
'Need for Win 2000/xp
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Call ShutdownWinIo
'Need for Win 2000/xp
End Sub

'f1 = GetPortVal(0, 0, 1) <-- Get byte data
'f1 = GetPortVal(0, 0, 2) <-- Get interger data

Function Readsec(ByVal j1, s1, s2) As Boolean
Dim i0, i1, i2, k1(1 To 50), f1

Const HDC_DATA = &H1F0
Const HDC_SDH = &H1F6
Const HDC_STATUS = &H1F7

Select Case j1
Case 0: i0 = &H1F0 'Primary
Case 1: i0 = &H1F0 'Primary
Case 2: i0 = &H170 'Secondary
Case 3: i0 = &H170 'Secondary
End Select

If (j1 Mod 2) = 0 Then
f1 = SetPortVal(i0 + 6, &HA0, 1) 'Master
f1 = SetPortVal(i0 + 6, &HB0, 1) 'Slave
End If
f1 = SetPortVal(i0 + 7, &HEC, 1) 'Send command to Hd

'Wait until Hd ready
f1 = GetPortVal(i0 + 7, i1, 2)
If (i1 And &H1) = &H1 Then i1 = 255: Exit Do 'error
If (i1 Mod 255) = 0 Then i1 = 255: Exit Do 'error
If (i1 And &H80) = 0 Then Exit Do 'Ok

'Or use this code instead above code

'Wait until Hd ready
'For i1 = 1 To 10000

s1 = "": s2 = ""
If i1 = 255 Then Readsec = False: GoTo ooen

'i0 is BaseAddress
For i1 = 1 To 50
f1 = GetPortVal(i0, k1(i1), 2)

For i1 = 1 To 50
i2 = k1(i1) Mod 256
s2 = s2 + Chr((k1(i1) - i2) / 256)
s2 = s2 + Chr(i2)
s1 = Mid(s2, 55, 40) 'Model
s2 = Mid(s2, 21, 20) 'Serial Number

f1 = SetPortVal(i0 + 7, &H4, 1) 'Clear state Hd
Readsec = True

End Function

Ahora ve a

Y bajas winio es un zip lo descomprimes y los archivos los pegas en system estos son:


Este codigo lo encontre ya hace algun tiempo(que bueno que no lo borre)
