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  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 29/01/2002, 10:27
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2002
Mensajes: 7
Antigüedad: 23 años
Puntos: 0
Re: SOS Ornate Virus mato mi pc

Removal Instructions

Windows 95/98:
Note for Windows 9x systems - during the boot process a Windows95 created boot disk will access the hard drive for information. Because of this an image of the virus may be in memory but not active.

To remove the virus, follow the following steps:
- If you use the McAfee emergency disk, hit F8 at the starting Windows 95 message, and select Step-by-step Configuration. Say yes to everything except processing the autoexec.bat file.
- At the a:, type

Windows NT/2000:
Shut down the PC and turn the power off. Obtain or create a virus free boot disk and scan disk. After booting, at the A:\ prompt, execute the following command:
BOOTSCAN C: /boot /clean

Once the virus has been removed, remove all floppy diskettes from the computer and reboot from the hard drive.

This will also clean an NTFS Master Boot Record and allow Windows NT to successfully reboot from the hard disk drive. VirusScan for DOS will not be able to read the rest of the NTFS partition. After starting Windows, execute VirusScan or NetShield to detect and clean Windows NT file infections which may exist.

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