Tema: FAQ's de VB6
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  #17 (permalink)  
Antiguo 10/08/2004, 01:51
Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2002
Ubicación: Euskal Herria
Mensajes: 95
Antigüedad: 22 años, 10 meses
Puntos: 0
Cómo imprimir un MSFLEXGRID


¿Cómo imprimir un MSFlexGrid?


Public Sub MSHFG_Print(ByVal gri As Control, cabecer As String, peu As String)
Set grid = gri
ReDim dimen(grid.Cols)
If grid.Rows = 1 Then Exit Sub
'Agafo l'amplada del grid total a imprimir
ample = 0
For x = 0 To grid.Cols - 1
grid.Col = x
If grid.CellWidth > 20 Then
If grid.CellWidth < 200 Then grid.ColWidth(x) = 200
ample = grid.CellWidth + ample
End If
dimen(x) = grid.CellWidth
Next x
grid.LeftCol = 1
'ja tinc el ample a imprimir
tppx = Printer.TwipsPerPixelX
tppy = Printer.TwipsPerPixelY
cabecera = cabecer
pie = peu
x0 = (Printer.ScaleWidth - ample) / 2
y0 = (Printer.Height - Printer.ScaleHeight) / 2
y1 = y0
Printer.CurrentY = y1
grid.Col = 0
grid.Row = 0
For Row = 0 To grid.Rows - 1
If Row = 0 Then PosCapMSHFG
'faig la ultima linea del grid si ha acabat sense cuadricular
If Printer.ScaleHeight - 1500 < y1 Then 'finalitzo pag i poso capçelera.
If cuadro = True Then Printer.Line (x0, y1)-(x0 + ample, y1), vbBlack, B
Printer.CurrentY = Printer.ScaleHeight - 500
Printer.CurrentX = x0
Printer.Print pie
Printer.CurrentX = Printer.ScaleWidth - 1000
Printer.Print "Pág " & Printer.Page
End If

'faig la ultima linea del grid si ha acabat sense cuadricular
If cuadro = True Then Printer.Line (x0, y1)-(x0 + ample, y1), vbBlack, B
Printer.CurrentY = Printer.ScaleHeight - 500
Printer.CurrentX = x0
Printer.Print pie
Printer.CurrentX = Printer.ScaleWidth - 1000
Printer.Print "Pág " & Printer.Page
End Sub

Private Sub ImpLinMSHFG()
alt = grid.RowHeight(Row)

Printer.FillStyle = 1 'solido 0
Printer.CurrentX = x0
Printer.CurrentY = y1 'printer.CurrentY - tppy
If cuadro Then
Printer.Line -Step(ample + tppx, alt + tppy), vbBlack, B
Printer.Line (x0 + ample, y1)-(x0 + ample, y1 + alt + tppy), vbBlack, B
End If
cuadro = Not cuadro
For Col = 0 To grid.Cols - 1
If Col = 0 Then
'alt = printer.FontSize * tppy * 5
x1 = x1 + dimen(Col - 1)
End If
If dimen(Col) < 20 Then Col = Col + 1
If dimen(Col) > 20 Then
Printer.CurrentX = x1 + tppx
Printer.CurrentY = y1 '+ tppy
Printer.Line (x1, y1 + tppy)-(x1, alt + y1 - tppy), vbBlack, B
Printer.CurrentX = x1 + 30 / tppx
Printer.CurrentY = y1 '+ tppy
texte = grid.TextArray(grid.Cols * Row + Col)
Do While Printer.TextWidth(texte) > dimen(Col) And Len(texte) > 0
texte = Left(texte, Len(texte) - 1)
punts = True
If punts = True And Len(texte) > 0 Then texte = Left(texte, Len(texte) - 2) & "..."
punts = False
If grid.ColAlignment(Col) > 5 Then Printer.CurrentX = Printer.CurrentX + dimen(Col) - Printer.TextWidth(texte) - 30 / tppx
If grid.ColAlignment(Col) >= 3 And grid.ColAlignment(Col) <= 5 Then Printer.CurrentX = Printer.CurrentX + (dimen(Col) - Printer.TextWidth(texte)) / 2

Printer.Print texte
End If
y1 = y1 + grid.RowHeight(Row) '- tppy 'y + alto de la fila actual

End Sub

Public Sub PosCapMSHFG()
Printer.CurrentY = y0
Printer.FontSize = 20
Printer.ForeColor = vbBlue
Printer.FontBold = True
Printer.CurrentX = (Printer.Width - Printer.ScaleWidth) + (Printer.ScaleWidth - Printer.TextWidth(cabecera)) / 2
Printer.Print cabecera
Printer.FontSize = 8.25
Printer.ForeColor = vbBlack
Printer.FontBold = False
y1 = Printer.CurrentY + 300 'separaciò amb el titol
'Row = trow
'grid.Row = Row
'grid.Col = 0
For Col = 0 To grid.Cols - 1
'grid.Col = Col
If Col = 0 Then
'alt = printer.FontSize * tppy * 5
x1 = x1 + dimen(Col - 1)
End If
If dimen(Col) < 20 Then Col = Col + 1
'If grid.Col = 9 Or grid.Col = 11 Then x1 = x1 + 400
'grid.Col = Col
If dimen(Col) > 20 Then
Printer.CurrentX = x1 + tppx
Printer.CurrentY = y1 '+ tppy
Printer.Line (x1, y1 + tppy)-(x1, alt + y1 - tppy), vbBlack, B
Printer.CurrentX = x1 + 15 / tppx
Printer.CurrentY = y1 '+ tppy
texte = grid.TextArray(Col)
Do While Printer.TextWidth(texte & "...") > dimen(Col) And Len(texte) > 0
texte = Left(texte, Len(texte) - 1)
punts = True
If punts = True And Len(texte) > 0 Then texte = Left(texte, Len(texte) - 2) & "..."
punts = False
Printer.CurrentX = Printer.CurrentX + (dimen(Col) - Printer.TextWidth(texte)) / 2
Printer.Print texte
End If
y1 = y1 + grid.RowHeight(Row) '- tppy 'y + alto de la fila actual
cuadro = True
If Row = 0 Then Row = 1

End Sub
