Tengo un escript para un menu, pero me gustaria cambiar los colores.
Es un menu que es una barra que se aloja en la cabecera del a pagina y aparece siempre.
El color de la barra es negra y me gustaria cambiarselo por otro.
Y el color de las letras es blanco.
Creo que se cambiar el color de la barra..."black" viene asi por una parte del codigo.
Es una barra con un menu desplegable, al desplegar el menu y pasar por encima el raton, las letras pasan del blanco al amarillo, como cambio lo del amarillo por otro color (el blanco tb)
Os muestro el codigo entenro para ver que podeis hacer.
if (document.all) {n=0;ie=1;ns6=0;fShow="visible";fHide="hidden";}
if (document.getElementById&&!document.all) {n=0;ie=0;ns6=1;fShow="visible";fHide="hidden";}
if (document.layers) {n=1;ie=0;ns6=0;fShow="show";fHide="hide";}
//Top Nav bar script v2.1-
window.onerror=new Function("return true")
// Function Menu() //
rightX = 0;
function Menu()
this.bgColor = menucolor;
if (ie) this.menuFont = "bold 12px Arial"; //default font settings. Don't change. Instead, modify stylesheet in sample.htm
if (n) this.menuFont = "bold 12px Verdana";
this.fontColor = "black";
this.addItem = addItem;
this.addSubItem = addSubItem;
this.showMenu = showMenu;
this.mainPaneBorder = 0;
this.subMenuPaneBorder = 0;
this.subMenuPaneWidth = submenuwidth;
lastMenu = null;
rightY = 0;
leftY = 0;
leftX = 0;
HTMLstr = "";
HTMLstr += "\n";
if (ie||ns6) HTMLstr += "<div id='MainTable' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;'>\n";
// if (n) HTMLstr += "<layer name='MainTable'>\n";
HTMLstr += "<table width='100%' bgcolor='"+this.bgColor+"' border='"+this.mainPaneBorder+"'>\n";
HTMLstr += "<tr>";
if (n) HTMLstr += "<td> ";
HTMLstr += "<!-- MAIN MENU STARTS -->\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- MAIN_MENU -->\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- MAIN MENU ENDS -->\n";
if (n) HTMLstr += "</td>";
HTMLstr += "</tr>\n";
HTMLstr += "</table>\n";
HTMLstr += "\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- SUB MENU STARTS -->\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- SUB_MENU -->\n";
HTMLstr += "<!-- SUB MENU ENDS -->\n";
HTMLstr += "\n";
if (ie||ns6) HTMLstr+= "</div>\n";
// if (n) HTMLstr+= "</layer>\n";
function addItem(idItem, text, hint, location, altLocation)
var Lookup = "<!-- ITEM "+idItem+" -->";
if (HTMLstr.indexOf(Lookup) != -1)
alert(idParent + " already exist");
var MENUitem = "";
MENUitem += "\n<!-- ITEM "+idItem+" -->\n";
if (n)
MENUitem += "<ilayer name="+idItem+">";
MENUitem += "<a href='.' class=clsMenuItemNS onmouseover=\"displaySubMenu('"+idItem+"')\" onclick=\"return false;\">";
MENUitem += "| ";
MENUitem += text;
MENUitem += "</a>";
MENUitem += "</ilayer>";
if (ie||ns6)
MENUitem += "<td>\n";
MENUitem += "<div id='"+idItem+"' style='position:relative; font: "+this.menuFont+";'>\n";
MENUitem += "<a ";
MENUitem += "class=clsMenuItemIE ";
// MENUitem += "style='text-decoration: none; font: "+this.menuFont+"; color: "+this.fontColor+"; cursor: hand;' ";
if (hint != null)
MENUitem += "title='"+hint+"' ";
if (location != null)
MENUitem += "href='"+location+"' ";
MENUitem += "onmouseover=\"hideAll()\" ";
if (altLocation != null)
MENUitem += "href='"+altLocation+"' ";
MENUitem += "href='.' ";
MENUitem += "onmouseover=\"displaySubMenu('"+idItem+"')\" ";
MENUitem += "onclick=\"return false;\" "
MENUitem += ">";
MENUitem += "| \n";
MENUitem += text;
MENUitem += "</a>\n";
MENUitem += "</div>\n";
MENUitem += "</td>\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- END OF ITEM "+idItem+" -->\n\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- MAIN_MENU -->\n";
HTMLstr = HTMLstr.replace("<!-- MAIN_MENU -->\n", MENUitem);
function addSubItem(idParent, text, hint, location, linktarget)
var MENUitem = "";
Lookup = "<!-- ITEM "+idParent+" -->";
if (HTMLstr.indexOf(Lookup) == -1)
alert(idParent + " not found");
Lookup = "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->";
if (HTMLstr.indexOf(Lookup) == -1)
if (n)
MENUitem += "\n";
MENUitem += "<layer id='"+idParent+"submenu' visibility=hide bgcolor='"+this.bgColor+"'>\n";
MENUitem += "<table border='"+this.subMenuPaneBorder+"' bgcolor='"+this.bgColor+"' width="+this.subMenuPaneWidth+">\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->\n";
MENUitem += "</table>\n";
MENUitem += "</layer>\n";
MENUitem += "\n";
if (ie||ns6)
MENUitem += "\n";
MENUitem += "<div id='"+idParent+"submenu' onmouseout=operahide() style='position:absolute; visibility: hidden; z-index:100; width: "+this.subMenuPaneWidth+"; font: "+this.menuFont+"; top: -300;'>\n";
MENUitem += "<table border='"+this.subMenuPaneBorder+"' bgcolor='"+this.bgColor+"' width="+this.subMenuPaneWidth+">\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->\n";
MENUitem += "</table>\n";
MENUitem += "</div>\n";
MENUitem += "\n";
MENUitem += "<!-- SUB_MENU -->\n";
HTMLstr = HTMLstr.replace("<!-- SUB_MENU -->\n", MENUitem);
Lookup = "<!-- NEXT ITEM OF SUB MENU "+ idParent +" -->\n";
if (n) MENUitem = "<tr><td><a class=clsMenuItemNS title='"+hint+"' href='"+location+"' target='"+linktarget+"'>"+text+"</a><br></td></tr>\n";
if (ie||ns6) MENUitem = "<tr><td><a class=clsMenuItemIE title='"+hint+"' href='"+location+"' target='"+linktarget+"'>"+text+"</a><br></td></tr>\n";
MENUitem += Lookup;
HTMLstr = HTMLstr.replace(Lookup, MENUitem);
function showMenu()
// Private declaration
function displaySubMenu(idMainMenu)
var menu;
var submenu;
if (n)
submenu = document.layers[idMainMenu+"submenu"];
if (lastMenu != null && lastMenu != submenu) hideAll();
submenu.left = document.layers[idMainMenu].pageX;
submenu.top = document.layers[idMainMenu].pageY + 25;
submenu.visibility = fShow;
leftX = document.layers[idMainMenu+"submenu"].left;
rightX = leftX + document.layers[idMainMenu+"submenu"].clip.width;
leftY = document.layers[idMainMenu+"submenu"].top+
rightY = leftY;
} else if (ie||ns6) {
//alert(document.getElementById(idMainMenu+"submenu" ).id)
menu = ie? eval(idMainMenu) : document.getElementById(idMainMenu);
submenu = ie? eval(idMainMenu+"submenu.style") : document.getElementById(idMainMenu+"submenu").styl e;
submenu.left = calculateSumOffset(menu, 'offsetLeft');
// submenu.top = calculateSumOffset(menu, 'offsetTop') + 30;
submenu.top = menu.style.top+23;
submenu.visibility = fShow;
if (lastMenu != null && lastMenu != submenu) hideAll();
leftX = ie? document.all[idMainMenu+"submenu"].style.posLeft : parseInt(document.getElementById(idMainMenu+"subme nu").style.left);
rightX = ie? leftX + document.all[idMainMenu+"submenu"].offsetWidth : leftX+parseInt(document.getElementById(idMainMenu+ "submenu").offsetWidth);
leftY = ie? document.all[idMainMenu+"submenu"].style.posTop+
document.all[idMainMenu+"submenu"].offsetHeight : parseInt(document.getElementById(idMainMenu+"subme nu").style.top)+parseInt(document.getElementById(i dMainMenu+"submenu").offsetHeight);
rightY = leftY;
lastMenu = submenu;
function hideAll()
if (lastMenu != null) {lastMenu.visibility = fHide;lastMenu.left = 0;}
function calculateSumOffset(idItem, offsetName)
var totalOffset = 0;
var item = eval('idItem');
totalOffset += eval('item.'+offsetName);
item = eval('item.offsetParent');
} while (item != null);
return totalOffset;
function updateIt(e)
if (ie&&!opr6)
var x = window.event.clientX;
var y = window.event.clientY;
if (x > rightX || x < leftX) hideAll();
else if (y > rightY) hideAll();
if (n||ns6)
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY;
if (x > rightX || x < leftX) hideAll();
else if (y > rightY) hideAll();
function operahide(){
if (opr6){
if (!MainTable.contains(event.toElement))
if (ie||ns6)
if (document.layers)
Creo que puedo cambiar el color de la barra