¡¡¡solucion A Combos Dependientes!!!! (PARTE 3...)
// jsrsServer.php - javascript remote scripting server include
// Orginal Author: Brent Ashley [
[email protected]]
// PHP version : Sébastien Cramatte [
[email protected]]
// Pierre Cailleux [
[email protected]]
// Date : May 2001
// see jsrsClient.js for version info
// see license.txt for copyright and license info
function jsrsDispatch($validFuncs ){
$func = jsrsBuildFunc($validFuncs);
if ($func != ""){
$retval = "";
eval("\$retval = " . $func . ";");
if (strlen($retval)>0){
} else {
} else {
jsrsReturnError("function builds as empty string");
function jsrsReturn($payload) {
global $C;
Print (
"<html><head></head><body onload=\"p=document.layers?parentLayer:window.pare nt;p.jsrsLoaded('"
. $C . "');\">jsrsPayload:<br>"
. "<form name=\"jsrs_Form\"><textarea name=\"jsrs_Payload\">"
. jsrsEscape($payload) . "</textarea></form></body></html>");
function jsrsEscape($str){
// escape ampersands so special chars aren't interpreted
$tmp = ereg_replace( "&", "&", $str );
// escape slashes with whacks so end tags don't interfere with return html
return ereg_replace( "\/" , "\\/",$tmp);
// user functions
function jsrsReturnError($str){
global $C;
// escape quotes
$cleanStr = ereg_replace("\'","\\'",$str);
// !!!! --- Warning -- !!!
$cleanStr = "jsrsError: " . ereg_replace("\"", "\\\"", $cleanStr);
print ("<html><head></head><body "
. "onload=\"p=document.layers?parentLayer:window.par ent;p.jsrsError('" . $C . "','" . urlencode($str) . "');\">"
. $cleanStr . "</body></html>" );
function jsrsArrayToString( $a, $delim ){
// user function to flatten 1-dim array to string for return to client
$d = "~";
if (!isset($delim)) $d = $delim;
return implode($a,$d);
function jsrsBuildFunc($validFuncs) {
global $F;
$func = "";
if ($F != "") {
$func = $F;
// make sure it's in the dispatch list
if (strpos(strtoupper($validFuncs),strtoupper($func)) ===false)
jsrsReturnError($func . " is not a valid function" );
$func .= "(";
$i = 0;
//--- To optimize ! ---
eval("global \$P$i;");
$Ptmp = "P". $i;
while ($$Ptmp!="") {
$parm = $$Ptmp;
$parm = substr($parm,1,strlen($parm)-2);
$func .= "\"" . $parm . "\",";
eval("global \$P$i;");
$Ptmp = "P". $i;
if (substr($func,strlen($func)-1,1)==",")
$func = substr($func,0,strlen($func)-1);
$func .= ")";
return $func;
function jsrsEvalEscape($thing) {
$tmp = ereg_replace($thing,"\r\n","\n");
return $tmp;
function jsrsVBArrayToString($a,$delim) {
// --- not use in PHP see jsrsArrayToString method
return jsrsArrayToString($a,$delim);
/*TERMINA jsrsServer.php*/