no lo mejor seria que busque un codigo ya echo... :risa: :borracho: :risa: ;-)
Código PHP:
// define the variables
$file = "contador/count.txt"; // text file that stores hit count
$imgExtension = "gif"; // file extension of digit images
$minDigits = 0; // the minimum # of digits to display
// set to 0 to display only needed digits
$countOnce = 1; // set to 1 to count unique IPs only
// set to 0 to count all hits
$ipFile = "contador/ips.txt"; // text file that stores IP addresses
// get the current hit count
$fp_count = fopen($file, "r");
$count = fread($fp_count, filesize($file));
// if the "countOnce" feature is enabled
if ($countOnce) {
// open the IP address file
$fp_ips = fopen($ipFile, "r");
// compare each entry with the user's IP address
while (!feof($fp_ips)) {
// get an entry from the IP file
$ip = fgets($fp_ips, 20);
// if the user's IP matches, set the user to old
if ($ip == $REMOTE_ADDR . "\r\n") {
$is_old = 1;
// otherwise, set the user to new
else {
$is_old = 0;
// close the IP address file
// if the user is not old, add his IP to the IP file
if (!$is_old) {
// reopen the IP address file
$fp_ips = fopen($ipFile, "a");
// add the user's IP address
fputs($fp_ips, $REMOTE_ADDR . "\r\n");
// close the IP address file
// if the "countOnce" feature is disabled, set the user to new
else {
$is_old = 0;
// if the user is not old, increment the counter
if (!$is_old) {
// save the new hit count
$fp_count = fopen($file, "w");
fputs($fp_count, $count);
// count the number of digits in the hit count
$digits = strlen($count);
// if minDigits is set and the number of digits is less than minDigits, add leading zeroes
if ($minDigits && $digits < $minDigits) {
// find the difference between minDigits and the number of digits in the count
$diff = $minDigits - $digits;
// add a number of leading zeroes equal to the difference
for ($i = 0; $i < $diff; $i++) {
$count = "0" . $count;
// set digits equal to minDigits
$digits = $minDigits;
// print the appropriate image for each digit in the hit count
for ($i = 0; $i < $digits; $i++)
// get a digit from the hit count
$digit = substr("$count", $i, 1);
// print the image for that digit
echo "<img src=contador/images/digits/$digit.$imgExtension>";