Ahora el .js (scroll.js, recuero que ojo con la ruta):
// Made by
[email protected]
// Keep these two lines and you're free to use this code
// Known bugs :
// If ie4.5 mac, please press apple-t to remove sidebar, otherwise everything is pushed 20px to the right...
// Corrected bugs :
// 25.01.2001 - When the height of the span "content" was less than the height of the span "contentClip" a javascript error occured, function changed : move()
// 21.02.2001 - Scrolling text wasn't selectable in ie, function changed : move()
// 05.03.2001 - Ie x and y coordinates was wrong when page was scrolled, function changed : getMouse()
// 19.04.2001 - Finally able to remove browser-scrollbar if content is longer than the browser is high:
// Just put this in the style-tag right before the end head-tag:
// body {margin-left:0; margin-right:0; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0; width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden}
// Touch me here

var upH = 15; // Height of up-arrow
var upW = 15; // Width of up-arrow
var downH = 15; // Height of down-arrow
var downW = 15; // Width of down-arrow
var dragH = 13; // Height of scrollbar
var dragW = 13; // Width of scrollbar
var scrollH = 231; // Height of scrollbar
var speed = 6; // Scroll speed
// And now... go to the bottom of the page...
// Browser detection
var dom = document.getElementById ? true:false;
var nn4 = document.layers ? true:false;
var ie4 = document.all ? true:false;
var mouseY; // Mouse Y position onclick
var mouseX; // Mouse X position onclick
var clickUp = false; // If click on up-arrow
var clickDown = false; // If click on down-arrow
var clickDrag = false; // If click on scrollbar
var clickAbove = false; // If click above scrollbar
var clickBelow = false; // If click below scrollbar
var timer = setTimeout("",500); // Repeat variable
var upL; // Up-arrow X
var upT; // Up-arrow Y
var downL; // Down-arrow X
var downT; // Down-arrow Y
var dragL; // Scrollbar X
var dragT; // Scrollbar Y
var rulerL; // Ruler X
var rulerT; // Ruler Y
var contentT; // Content layer Y;
var contentH; // Content height
var contentClipH; // Content clip height
var scrollLength; // Number of pixels scrollbar should move
var startY; // Keeps track of offset between mouse and span
// Mousedown
function down(e){
if((document.layers && e.which!=1) || (document.all && event.button!=1)) return true; // Enables the right mousebutton
startY = (mouseY - dragT);
// If click on up-arrow
if(mouseX >= upL && (mouseX <= (upL + upW)) && mouseY >= upT && (mouseY <= (upT + upH))){
clickUp = true;
return scrollUp();
// Else if click on down-arrow
else if(mouseX >= downL && (mouseX <= (downL + downW)) && mouseY >= downT && (mouseY <= (downT + downH))){
clickDown = true;
return scrollDown();
// Else if click on scrollbar
else if(mouseX >= dragL && (mouseX <= (dragL + dragW)) && mouseY >= dragT && (mouseY <= (dragT + dragH))){
clickDrag = true;
return false;
else if(mouseX >= dragL && (mouseX <= (dragL + dragW)) && mouseY >= rulerT && (mouseY <= (rulerT + scrollH))){
// If click above drag
if(mouseY < dragT){
clickAbove = true;
clickUp = true;
return scrollUp();
// Else click below drag
clickBelow = true;
clickDown = true;
return scrollDown();
// If no scrolling is to take place
return true;
// Drag function
function move(e){
if(clickDrag && contentH > contentClipH){
dragT = (mouseY - startY);
if(dragT < (rulerT))
dragT = rulerT;
if(dragT > (rulerT + scrollH - dragH))
dragT = (rulerT + scrollH - dragH);
contentT = ((dragT - rulerT)*(1/scrollLength));
contentT = eval('-' + contentT);
// So ie-pc doesn't select gifs
return false;
function up(){
// Resetting variables
clickUp = false;
clickDown = false;
clickDrag = false;
clickAbove = false;
clickBelow = false;
return true;
// Reads content layer top
function getT(){
contentT = document.all.content.style.pixelTop;
else if(nn4)
contentT = document.contentClip.document.content.top;
else if(dom)
contentT = parseInt(document.getElementById("content").style. top);
// Reads mouse X and Y coordinates
function getMouse(e){
mouseY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
mouseX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
else if(nn4 || dom){
mouseY = e.pageY;
mouseX = e.pageX;
// Moves the layer
function moveTo(){
document.all.content.style.top = contentT;
document.all.ruler.style.top = dragT;
document.all.drag.style.top = dragT;
else if(nn4){
document.contentClip.document.content.top = contentT;
document.ruler.top = dragT;
document.drag.top = dragT;
else if(dom){
document.getElementById("content").style.top = contentT + "px";
document.getElementById("drag").style.top = dragT + "px";
document.getElementById("ruler").style.top = dragT + "px";
// Scrolls up
function scrollUp(){
if(dragT <= (mouseY-(dragH/2)))
return up();
if(contentT < 0){
dragT = dragT - (speed*scrollLength);
if(dragT < (rulerT))
dragT = rulerT;
contentT = contentT + speed;
if(contentT > 0)
contentT = 0;
timer = setTimeout("scrollUp()",25);
return false;
// Scrolls down
function scrollDown(){
if(dragT >= (mouseY-(dragH/2)))
return up();
if(contentT > -(contentH - contentClipH)){
dragT = dragT + (speed*scrollLength);
if(dragT > (rulerT + scrollH - dragH))
dragT = (rulerT + scrollH - dragH);
contentT = contentT - speed;
if(contentT < -(contentH - contentClipH))
contentT = -(contentH - contentClipH);
timer = setTimeout("scrollDown()",25);
return false;
// reloads page to position the layers again
function reloadPage(){
// Preload
function eventLoader(){
// Up-arrow X and Y variables
upL = document.all.up.style.pixelLeft;
upT = document.all.up.style.pixelTop;
// Down-arrow X and Y variables
downL = document.all.down.style.pixelLeft;
downT = document.all.down.style.pixelTop;
// Scrollbar X and Y variables
dragL = document.all.drag.style.pixelLeft;
dragT = document.all.drag.style.pixelTop;
// Ruler Y variable
rulerT = document.all.ruler.style.pixelTop;
// Height of content layer and clip layer
contentH = parseInt(document.all.content.scrollHeight);
contentClipH = parseInt(document.all.contentClip.style.height);
else if(nn4){
// Up-arrow X and Y variables
upL = document.up.left;
upT = document.up.top;
// Down-arrow X and Y variables
downL = document.down.left;
downT = document.down.top;
// Scrollbar X and Y variables
dragL = document.drag.left;
dragT = document.drag.top;
// Ruler Y variable
rulerT = document.ruler.top;
// Height of content layer and clip layer
contentH = document.contentClip.document.content.clip.bottom;
contentClipH = document.contentClip.clip.bottom;
else if(dom){
// Up-arrow X and Y variables
upL = parseInt(document.getElementById("up").style.left) ;
upT = parseInt(document.getElementById("up").style.top);
// Down-arrow X and Y variables
downL = parseInt(document.getElementById("down").style.lef t);
downT = parseInt(document.getElementById("down").style.top );
// Scrollbar X and Y variables
dragL = parseInt(document.getElementById("drag").style.lef t);
dragT = parseInt(document.getElementById("drag").style.top );
// Ruler Y variable
rulerT = parseInt(document.getElementById("ruler").style.to p);
// Height of content layer and clip layer
contentH = parseInt(document.getElementById("content").offset Height);
contentClipH = parseInt(document.getElementById("contentClip").of fsetHeight);
document.getElementById("content").style.top = 0 + "px";
// Number of pixels scrollbar should move
scrollLength = ((scrollH-dragH)/(contentH-contentClipH));
// Initializes event capturing
document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEMOVE | Event.MOUSEUP);
window.onresize = reloadPage;
document.onmousedown = down;
document.onmousemove = move;
document.onmouseup = up;