Hola tyo100, yo no me comprometeria a decir estas frases:
pero no puedes controlar que corres llegan a unos y que correos llegan a otro.
Podria decir por el momento no existe algo ofIcial de parte RFC, pero posiblemente exista terceras aplicaciones que tengan esa función.
Es donde viene lo siguiente:
***lo actual y comun
Each MX record contains a preference and a host name, so that the collection of MX records for a given domain name point to the servers that should receive e-mail for that domain, and their priority relative to each other.
***Lo nuevo
With Appriver’s recently implemented Dynamic MX records, we may now offer a static MX record that can access multiple filtering server sets. This is a more flexible way of configuring your MX record so that you can take full advantage of a vast network of spam filtering sets.
In the past, the AppRiver MX records were bound to one specific server set and AppRiver had no control over what server set they resolved to. Now, with Dynamic records, AppRiver can control the final destination of the mail.
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