Se soluciono con esta codigo al final
Código vb:
Ver originalFunction sfuncEndVBCRLFremoved(strSource As String, Optional bTrimSource As Boolean = True) As String
On Error GoTo err_h:
Dim s As String
Dim iLen As Integer
If bTrimSource Then strSource = Trim$(strSource)
'get last two characters of string
s = Mid$(strSource, Len(strSource) - 1, 2)
'len of [strSource]
iLen = Len(strSource)
'if last two characters are carriage return and
'line feed then trim off the last 2 characters
If s = vbCrLf Then
strSource = Mid$(strSource, 1, (iLen - 2))
GoTo testPoint: 'test last two characters
End If
'return with trailing carriage returns removed
sfuncEndVBCRLFremoved = strSource
Exit Function
With Err
If .Number <> 0 Then
'create .bas named [ErrHandler] see
ErrHandler.ReportError Date & ": Str.sfuncEndVBCRLFremoved." & Err.Number & "." & Err.Description
Resume Next
End If
End With
End Function