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Antiguo 22/02/2016, 18:22
Fecha de Ingreso: febrero-2016
Mensajes: 2
Antigüedad: 8 años, 10 meses
Puntos: 0
como mover un objeto en el canvas

hola quisiera que me ayudaran a mover un objeto dentro del canvas para un juejo de ping pong. quiero mover las paletas con el mouse o el teclado. aqui el codigo:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Simple Canvas Example</title>
canvas {
border: 3px #CCC solid;

<div id="container">
<canvas id="myCanvas" height="400" width="500"></canvas>
var mainCanvas = document.querySelector("#myCanvas");
var mainContext = mainCanvas.getContext("2d");

var canvasWidth = mainCanvas.width;
var canvasHeight = mainCanvas.height;

var xc = 100;
var yc = 100;
var xcc = 150;
var ycc = 150;
var vxx = -6;
var vyy = 1;
var cx = 200;
var cy = 200;
var velx = 2;
var vely = 1;
var vx = 6;
var vy = 2;
var vry = 1;
var vryy = -1;
var ryy = 150;
var rxx = 50;
var ry = 150;
var rx = 350;
var dist = 1;
var dist2 = 1;
var dist3 = 1;

var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||

function drawCircle() {

mainContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

// color in the background
mainContext.fillStyle = "#FCC4E3";
mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

// primera pelota pink
drawBall1(mainContext, xc, yc, "#FF7BC6");

//segunda pelota pink
drawBall2(mainContext, cx, cy, "#DC3EC7");
//tercer palota pink
drawBall1(mainContext, xcc, ycc, "#B50ECB");
//pelota verde
xcc += vxx;
ycc += vyy;

if (xcc > canvasWidth || xcc <0)
vxx = -vxx;
if (ycc > canvasHeight || ycc <0)
vyy = -vyy;

if (vxx>0 && xcc>= rx && xcc<=rx+10 && ycc >= ry && ycc <= ry+150)
{ vxx = -vxx;
xcc = xcc-10;

mainContext.fillStyle = "#504400";
mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

if (vxx>0 && xcc>= rxx && xcc<=rxx+10 && ycc >= ryy && ycc <= ryy+150)
{ vxx = -vxx;
xcc = xcc-10;

mainContext.fillStyle = "#099099";
mainContext.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

if (vxx<0 && xcc>=rx && xcc<= rx+20 && ycc >= ry && ycc <= ry+ 150)
{ vxx = -vxx;

if (vxx<0 && xcc>=rxx && xcc<= rxx+20 && ycc >= ryy && ycc <= ryy+ 150)
{ vxx = -vxx;

//pelota azul
cx += velx;
cy += vely;

if (cx > canvasWidth || cx < 0)
velx = -velx;

if (cy > canvasHeight || cy < 0)
vely = -vely;

if (velx>0 && cx>= rx && cx<=rx+10 && cy >= ry && cy <= ry+150)
{ velx = -velx;
cx = cx-10;

if (velx>0 && cx>= rxx && cx<=rxx+10 && cy >= ryy && cy <= ryy+150)
{ velx = -velx;
cx = cx-10;

if (velx<0 && cx>=rx && cx<= rx+20 && cy >= ry && cy <= ry+ 150)
{ velx = -velx;

if (velx<0 && cx>=rxx && cx<= rxx+20 && cy >= ryy && cy <= ryy + 150)
{ velx = -velx;


// drawBall(mainContext, xc-50, yc, "red");
//pelota roja
xc += vx;
yc += vy;

if (xc > canvasWidth || xc < 0)
vx = -vx;

if (yc > canvasHeight || yc < 0)
vy = -vy;

ry = ry - vry;
if (ry < 0 || ry> canvasHeight - 150)
vry = -vry ;
ryy = ryy - vryy;
if (ryy < 0 || ryy> canvasHeight - 150)
vryy = -vryy;

if (vx>0 && xc>= rx && xc<=rx+10 && yc >= ry && yc <= ry+150)
{ vx = -vx;
xc = xc-10;

if (vx>0 && xc>= rxx && xc<=rxx+10 && yc >= ryy && yc <= ryy+150)
{ vx = -vx;
xc = xc-10;

if (vx<0 && xc>=rx && xc<= rx+20 && yc >= ry && yc <= ry+150)
{ vx = -vx;

if (vx<0 && xc>=rxx && xc<= rxx+20 && yc >= ryy && yc <= ryy+150)
{ vx = -vx;


//detectar colision entre pelotas


if ( dist <= 35)

//cambio x
if (vx < 0 && velx >0 && dist <= 45)
vx = -vx;
velx = -velx;
if(vx < 0 && vxx >0 && dist2 <= 30)
vx = -vx;
vxx = -vxx;

if (vxx < 0 && velx >0 && dist3 <= 45)
vxx = -vxx;
velx = -velx;
//cambio y
if (vy < 0 && vely >0 && dist <= 45)
vy = -vy;
vely = -vely;
if (vy < 0 && vyy >0 && dist2 <= 30)
vy = -vy;
vyy = -vyy;
if (vyy < 0 && vely >0 && dist3 <= 45)
vyy = -vyy;
vely = -vely;

if (vx < 0 && velx < 0 && dist <= 45)
vx = -vx;
if (vx < 0 && vxx < 0 && dist2 <= 30)
vx = -vx;
if (vxx < 0 && velx < 0 && dist3 <= 45)
vxx = -vxx;

if (vy < 0 && vely <0 && dist <= 45)
vy = -vy;
if (vy < 0 && vyy <0 && dist2 <= 30)
vy = -vy;
if (vyy < 0 && vely <0 && dist3 <= 45)
vyy = -vyy;



function drawBall1(context, cx, cy, color)
{ context.fillStyle = "rgb(41,155,243)";
context.fillRect (rx, ry, 20, 150);


var radius = 20;

context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);

// color in the circle
mainContext.fillStyle = color;

function drawBall2(context, cx, cy, color)
{ context.fillStyle = "rgb(41,155,243)";
context.fillRect (rxx, ryy, 20, 150);


var radius = 20;

context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);

// color in the circle
mainContext.fillStyle = color;
