29/07/2014, 08:36
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: julio-2011 Ubicación: Coahuila
Mensajes: 320
Antigüedad: 13 años, 8 meses Puntos: 8 | |
Respuesta: perl /sbin/iwlist scan 2>&1 ya lo encontre es este codigo
# wlanscan.pl
# version 0.1
# Written by Joey Kelly
# joeykelly.net
# copyright 2014
# GPL version 2
# I want to get and display a table of available APs.
# I did this on NetBSD once, let's see if I can replicate on Linux.
# NOTE: the iwlist docs say or said to not write scripts against it, presumably because the output will change in future versions.
# Yeah, like I'm going to listen...
use strict;
use warnings;
#my $wifi = shift || die "What is the wifi interface? Pass it as an argument to this script. Example: ./wlanscan.pl wlan0\n";
#chomp $wifi;
# let's bounce the interface first
#system "/sbin/ifconfig $wifi down";
#system "/sbin/ifconfig $wifi up";
my $scan = `/sbin/iwlist wlan0 scan`;
my @cell = split(/Cell/,$scan);
# lose the leading bogus entry
$_ = shift @cell;
foreach my $cell (@cell) {
my ($mac, $channel, $essid, $encryption, $mode, $signalnumbers, $signalquality, $security) = ('','','','','','','','');
if ( $cell =~ /Address:\ ([A-Z0-9]{2}:[A-Z0-9]{2}:[A-Z0-9]{2}:[A-Z0-9]{2}:[A-Z0-9]{2}:[A-Z0-9]{2})/ ) {
$mac = $1;
if ( $cell =~ /Channel:(\d+)/ ) {
$channel = $1;
if ( $cell =~ /ESSID:"(\w+)"/ ) {
$essid = $1;
$essid = '<hidden>' unless $essid;
if ( $cell =~ /Encryption\ key:(\w+)/ ) {
$encryption = $1;
if ( $cell =~ /Mode:(\w+)/ ) {
$mode = $1;
if ( $cell =~ /Signal\ level=(-\d+\ dBm)/ ) {
$signalnumbers = $1;
if ( $cell =~ /Quality=(\d+\/\d+)/ ) {
$signalquality = $1;
# OK, here's where it gets weird
unless ( $cell =~ /WPA/ ) {
$security = 'WEP';
if ( $cell =~ /IE:\ IEEE\ 802\.11i\/WPA2 Version\ 1/ ) {
$security = 'WPA2 v1';
if ( $cell =~ /IE:\ IEEE\ 802\.11i\/WPA2 Version\ 2/ ) {
$security = 'WPA2 v2';
if ( $cell =~ /IE:\ WPA\ Version\ 1/ ) {
if ($security) {
$security .= ' and WPA1';
} else {
$security = 'WPA1';
# our fall-through
$security = 'none' unless $encryption eq 'on';
print "essid: $essid\n";
print "channel: $channel\n";
print "MAC: $mac\n";
print "mode: $mode\n";
print "encrypted: $encryption\n";
print "security: $security\n";
print "signal: $signalnumbers\n";
print "quality: $signalquality\n";
print "\n";
my $cells = @cell;
print "number of cells seen: $cells\n" if $cells;
funciona muy bien y me da todo lo que necesito, espero y les sirvan, Gracias, |