Por si a alguien le sirve...
Código PHP:
function csv_in_array($url,$delm=",",$encl="\"",$head=true) {
$csvxrow = file($url); // ---- csv rows to array ----
$doc = DOMDocument::loadHTML("LISTOTA.csv");
$csvxrow[0] = chop($csvxrow[0]);
$csvxrow[0] = str_replace($encl,'',$csvxrow[0]);
$keydata = explode($delm,$csvxrow[0]);
$keynumb = count($keydata);
if ($head === true) {
$anzdata = count($csvxrow);
for($x=1; $x<$anzdata; $x++) {
$csvxrow[$x] = chop($csvxrow[$x]);
$csvxrow[$x] = str_replace($encl,'',$csvxrow[$x]);
$csv_data[$x] = explode($delm,$csvxrow[$x]);
foreach($keydata as $key) {
$out[$z][$key] = $csv_data[$x][$i];
else {
foreach($csvxrow as $item) {
$item = chop($item);
$item = str_replace($encl,'',$item);
$csv_data = explode($delm,$item);
for ($y=0; $y<$keynumb; $y++) {
$out[$i][$y] = $csv_data[$y];
return $out;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
/*fuction call with 4 parameters:
(1) = the file with CSV data (url / string)
(2) = colum delimiter (e.g: ; or | or , ...)
(3) = values enclosed by (e.g: ' or " or ^ or ...)
(4) = with or without 1st row = head (true/false)
// ----- call ------
$csvdata = csv_in_array("LISTOTA.csv", ",", "\"", true);
// -----------------
// ----- view ------
echo "<pre>\r\n";
echo "</pre>\r\n";
// -----------------