Vale, acabo de hacer lo siguiente he modificado el script de esta forma poniendo como dices los campos te lo pego aqui:
Código PHP:
$tabla = "wordpress";
$servidor = "localhost";
$usuario = "root";
$clave = "";
mysql_select_db($tabla,mysql_connect($servidor,$usuario,$clave)) or die("Error de conexión con la base de datos.");
$consulta = mysql_query("Select sid, title, time, hometext, bodytext from nuke_stories");
$sid = "'" . $fila['sid'] . "'";
$title = "'" . $fila['title'] . "'";
$time = "'" . $fila['time'] . "'";
$hometext = "'" . $fila['hometext'] . "'";
$body = "'" . $fila['bodytext'] . "'";
echo "<p>ID $sid fecha: $time noticia: $title</p>";
$sqlinsert="INSERT INTO wp_posts
(ID, post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title, post_excerpt, post_status, comment_status, ping_status, post_password, post_name, to_ping, pinged, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_content_filtered, post_parent, guid, menu_order, post_type, post_mime_type, comment_count)
VALUES ($sid, '1', $time, $time, $hometext, $title,'', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '','','','', $time, $time,'', '0','', '0', 'post','', '0')";
mysql_query ($sqlinsert)
OR die(mysql_error() );
Bueno pues al final el error que me acaba mostrando es el siguiente;
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'puesto en la accidentada carrera de Mieres le ha dado fuerza , habra que observa' at line 3
El mismo creo;