ok es que tengo un script creado donde estoy agregandole la funcion de subir una imagen y meta en una carpeta aqui tengo el codigo
Código PHP:
Ver original// ************************************************************
// Add News Article
// ************************************************************
if ($action == "addnews") {
// Process Add News Submition
// Form post variables
$poster = $_POST['poster'];
$title = $_POST['title'];
$sticky = $_POST['sticky'];
$snippet = $_POST['snippet'];
$article = $_POST['article'];
$topic_id = $_POST['topic'];
$file = $_POST['file'];
$tamano = $_FILES["file"]['size'];
$tipo = $_FILES["file"]['type'];
$archivo = $_FILES["file"]['name'];
$poster = $sn_user;
// Current Time
$timestamp = date("F j, Y, g:i a", time());
// Add slashes for ' and "
// Check for required fields
echo "
<p class='error'><i>Title</i>, <i>Topic</i>, and <i>Snippet</i> are required fields.</p>
<p class='error'><a href='article.php?action=addnews'>Go Back</a></p>";
} else {
$news_id = $_GET['edit'];
// Check Access
if (($sn_userlevel == 1) OR ($sn_userlevel == 2)) {
//Remove sticky from other posts
$query = "UPDATE simplenews_articles SET sticky = 'off' WHERE sticky = 'on'";
} else {
echo "
<p class='error'>You don't have access to to create sticky posts.</p>
<p class='error'><a href='article.php?action=addnews'>Go Back</a></p>";
// Check Access
if ((($sn_user == $poster) OR ($sn_userlevel == 1) OR ($sn_userlevel == 2))) {
// Update Edited Article
$query = "UPDATE simplenews_articles SET poster = '$poster', title = '$title', sticky = '$sticky', snippet = '$snippet', article = '$article', topic = '$topic_id' WHERE news_id = '$news_id'";
echo "
<p class='error'>The news article has been updated.</p>
<p class='error'><a href='article.php'>Go Back</a></p>";
} else {
echo "
<p class='error'>You don't have access to edit this post.</p>
<p class='error'><a href='article.php'>Go Back</a></p>";
} else {
// obtenemos los datos del archivo
$destino = "files/".$prefijo."_".$archivo;
//Insert new article
$query = "INSERT INTO simplenews_articles (poster, title, sticky, snippet, article, date, topic, imagen) VALUES ('$poster', '$title', '$sticky', '$snippet', '$article', '$timestamp', '$topic_id', '$file')";
echo "
<p class='error'>The news article <i>$title</i> been added.</p>
<p class='error'><a href='article.php'>Go Back</a></p>";
todo trabaja perfecto pero no se por que no sube la imagen