22/06/2013, 17:27
| | Fecha de Ingreso: febrero-2003 Ubicación: Buenos Aires
Mensajes: 88
Antigüedad: 22 años, 1 mes Puntos: 0 | |
Respuesta: Pop Up Hola Triby
Y el "mapeado" de la imagen que hice, como lo usaba en la epoca de las tablas..no valida bien
Hay otra forma que lo pueda hacer?
Line 112, Column 184: end tag for "area" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified
…'frameless',animate:true,openjs:function(){openJS ()}})">Image, Load Callback />
You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".
Info Line 112, Column 5: start tag was here
<area shape="rect" coords="44,14,156,142" href="#" alt="infantiles" onclick…
Error Line 112, Column 184: character data is not allowed here
…'frameless',animate:true,openjs:function(){openJS ()}})">Image, Load Callback />
You have used character data somewhere it is not permitted to appear. Mistakes that can cause this error include:
putting text directly in the body of the document without wrapping it in a container element (such as a <p>aragraph</p>), or
forgetting to quote an attribute value (where characters such as "%" and "/" are common, but cannot appear without surrounding quotes), or
using XHTML-style self-closing tags (such as <meta ... />) in HTML 4.01 or earlier. To fix, remove the extra slash ('/') character. For more information about the reasons for this, see Empty elements in SGML, HTML, XML, and XHTML.
erika |