Hola tengo un foro pero no puedo eliminar el 1 tema creado por un usuario, solo puedo borra los mensajes despues del 1 post.
Cuando lo quiero eliminar me sale este mensaje:
you can not delete the primary post. To delete the thread instead Código PHP:
function deletethread($tid) {
global $client;
$thread = valid_thread($tid);
if (!forum_mod($thread['fid'])) die('access denied');
// delete thread
sql_query("delete from ".tb()."forum_threads where id='$tid' ");
// delete post
sql_query("delete from ".tb()."forum_posts where tid='$tid' ");
// delete attach
$res = sql_query("select * from ".tb()."forum_attachments where tid='$tid' ");
while ($attach = sql_fetch_array($res)) {
sql_query("delete from ".tb()."forum_attachments where id='{$attach['id']}' ");
// update num
sql_query("update ".tb()."forums set threads=threads-1,posts=posts-{$thread['posts']} where id='{$thread['fid']}' ");
Código PHP:
function deletepost($pid) {
global $client;
if (!$client['id']) {
$res = sql_query("select * from ".tb()."forum_posts where id='{$pid}' ");
$post = sql_fetch_array($res);
if (!$post['id']) die('wrong pid');
if ($post['is_first']) die('you can not delete the primary post. To delete the thread instead');
if ($post['uid'] != $client['id'] && !allow_access(3)) die('access denied');
$thread = valid_thread($post['tid']);
sql_query("delete from ".tb()."forum_posts where id='$pid' ");
// delete attach
$res = sql_query("select * from ".tb()."forum_attachments where pid='$pid' ");
while ($attach = sql_fetch_array($res)) {
sql_query("delete from ".tb()."forum_attachments where id='{$attach['id']}' ");
// update num
sql_query("update ".tb()."forum_threads set posts=posts-1 where id='{$thread['id']}' ");
sql_query("update ".tb()."forums set posts=posts-1 where id='{$thread['fid']}' ");
¿Alguien sabe como editar el codigo para poder borrarlo?