Hola amigos como estan,
Vereis estoy usando una libreria para crear thumb y funcionaba muy bien la cosa es que ahora esta dando este error:
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in cript\resize.php on line 36
He leido un poco y es por que la version de php a subido a 5.3 entonces considera esa linea como obsoleta.
La cosa es que he visto por hay que se puede modificar pero no lo consigo a ver si alguien sabe como se podria hacer esto, la linea en cuestion es esta:
Código PHP:
Y el codigo completo de la libreria por si es de ayuda:
Código PHP:
class thumbnail
var $img;
function thumbnail($imgfile)
//detect image format
if ($this->img["format"]=="JPG" || $this->img["format"]=="JPEG") {
$this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromJPEG ($imgfile);
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="PNG") {
$this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromPNG ($imgfile);
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="GIF") {
$this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromGIF ($imgfile);
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="WBMP") {
$this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromWBMP ($imgfile);
} else {
echo "Not Supported File";
@$this->img["lebar"] = imagesx($this->img["src"]);
@$this->img["tinggi"] = imagesy($this->img["src"]);
//default quality jpeg
function size_height($size=100)
@$this->img["lebar_thumb"] = ($this->img["tinggi_thumb"]/$this->img["tinggi"])*$this->img["lebar"];
function size_width($size=100)
@$this->img["tinggi_thumb"] = ($this->img["lebar_thumb"]/$this->img["lebar"])*$this->img["tinggi"];
function size_auto($size=100)
if ($this->img["lebar"]>=$this->img["tinggi"]) {
@$this->img["tinggi_thumb"] = ($this->img["lebar_thumb"]/$this->img["lebar"])*$this->img["tinggi"];
} else {
@$this->img["lebar_thumb"] = ($this->img["tinggi_thumb"]/$this->img["tinggi"])*$this->img["lebar"];
function jpeg_quality($quality=75)
//jpeg quality
function show()
//show thumb
@Header("Content-Type: image/".$this->img["format"]);
/* change ImageCreateTrueColor to ImageCreate if your GD not supported ImageCreateTrueColor function*/
$this->img["des"] = ImageCreateTrueColor($this->img["lebar_thumb"],$this->img["tinggi_thumb"]);
@imagecopyresized ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"], $this->img["lebar"], $this->img["tinggi"]);
if ($this->img["format"]=="JPG" || $this->img["format"]=="JPEG") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="PNG") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="GIF") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="WBMP") {
function save($save="")
//save thumb
if (empty($save)) $save=strtolower("./thumb.".$this->img["format"]);
/* change ImageCreateTrueColor to ImageCreate if your GD not supported ImageCreateTrueColor function*/
$this->img["des"] = ImageCreateTrueColor($this->img["lebar_thumb"],$this->img["tinggi_thumb"]);
@imagecopyresized ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"], $this->img["lebar"], $this->img["tinggi"]);
if ($this->img["format"]=="JPG" || $this->img["format"]=="JPEG") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="PNG") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="GIF") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="WBMP") {
Bueno un saludo.