Bueno yo utilizo este codigo para copiar archivos y enviarlos a un servidor por ejemplo espero que te sea de ayuda
Código PHP:
$gedgo_path_not = 'C:/chuty/Noticias';
$gedgo_path_art = 'C:/chuty/Articulos';
$my_max_file_size = "50400"; # in bytes
$image_max_width = "270";
$image_max_height = "570";
$registered_types = array(
"image/bmp" => ".bmp, .ico",
"image/gif" => ".gif",
"image/pjpeg" => ".jpg, .jpeg",
"image/jpeg" => ".jpg, .jpeg",
); # these are only a few examples, you can find many more!
$allowed_types = array("image/bmp","image/gif","image/pjpeg","image/jpeg","text/plain");
# --
function form($error=false) {
global $PHP_SELF,$my_max_file_size, $gedgo_path_not, $gedgo_path_art, $image_max_width, $image_max_height;
if ($error) print $error . "<br><br>";
print "\n<form ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\" method=\"post\">";
print "\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"" . $my_max_file_size . "\">";
print "\n<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" name=\"task\" value=\"upload\">";
print "\n<BR><b>la Seccion donde Desea Subir el Archivo</b><br>";
echo "<select name=\"the_path\"> <option>Seleccione</option> <option value=\"$gedgo_path_not\">Noticias</option> <option value=\"$gedgo_path_art\">Articulos</option> </select>";
print "\n<P><b>Escoja un Archivo de su disco Duro</b>";
print "\n<br><INPUT NAME=\"the_file\" TYPE=\"file\" SIZE=\"35\"><br>";
print "\n<input type=\"submit\" Value=\"Upload\">";
print "\n<BR>NOTA : El Tamño maximo del archivo es : " . ($my_max_file_size / 1024) . "KB"; print "\n<BR>NOTA : El Ancho Maximo de la Imagen es de $image_max_width y el Alto maximo es $image_max_height pixels";
print "\n</form>";
} # END form # --
if (!ereg("^4",phpversion())) {
function in_array($needle,$haystack) {
# we have this function in PHP4, so for you PHP3 people
for ($i=0; $i < count($haystack); $i++) {
if ($haystack[$i] == $needle) {
return true;
# --
function validate_upload($the_file) {
global $my_max_file_size, $image_max_width, $image_max_height,$allowed_types,$the_file_type,$registered_types; global $gedgo_path_not, $gedgo_path_art;
$start_error = "\n<b>Error:</b>\n<ul>";
if ($the_file == "none") {
# do we even have a file?
$error .= "\n<li>You did not upload anything!</li>";
else {
# check if we are allowed to upload this file_type
if (!in_array($the_file_type,$allowed_types)) {
$error .= "\n<li>The file that you uploaded was of a type that is not
allowed, you are only allowed to upload files of the type:\n<ul>";
while ($type = current($allowed_types)) {
$error .= "\n<li>" . $registered_types[$type] . " (" . $type . ")</li>";
$error .= "\n</ul>";
if (ereg("image",$the_file_type) && (in_array($the_file_type,$allowed_types))) {
$size = GetImageSize($the_file);
list($foo,$width,$bar,$height) = explode("\"",$size[3]);
if ($width > $image_max_width) {
$error .= "\n<li>Su imagen no debe ser mas ancha de " . $image_max_width . " Pixels</li>";
if ($height > $image_max_height) {
$error .= "\n<li>Su imagen no debe ser mas alta de " . $image_max_height . " Pixels</li>";
if ($error) {
$error = $start_error . $error . "\n</ul>"; return $error;
else {
return false;
} # END validate_upload
# --
function list_files() {
global $the_path;
$handle = dir($the_path);
print "\n<b>Uploaded files:</b><br>";
while ($file = $handle->read()) {
if (($file != ".") && ($file != "..")) {
print "\n" . $file . "<br>";
print "<hr>";
# --
function upload($the_file) {
global $the_path,$the_file_name, $gedgo_path_not, $gedgo_path_art;;
$error = validate_upload($the_file);
if ($error) {
else {
# cool, we can continue
echo $the_file;
echo '<br>';
echo $the_path;
echo '<br>';
echo $the_file_name;
if (!@copy($the_file, $the_path . "/" . $the_file_name)) {
form("\n<b>Algo esta mal, Verifique los permisos del Directorio $the_path</b>");
else {
echo "El archivo <b>$the_file_name</b> se ha subido al directorio <b>$the_path</b> Satisfactoriamente";
// list_files();
# END upload
# --
############ Start page
print "<html>\n<head>\n<title>Upload Imagenes</title>\n</head>\n<body>";
switch($task) {
case 'upload': upload($the_file);
break; default: form();
print "\n</body>\n</html>";