Como me habéis preguntado sobre carpetas y archivos por si no sé explicarlo bien y por si es necesario las plantillas gratuitas completas son estas
La que yo quiero usar y hacer una opción del menu desplegable
La que tiene el menu desplegable
Aqui hay una que pone la información edl Template
Here is the HTML structure for this template.
Cita: <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Header Metatags -->
<!-- Main Stylesheet -->
<!-- Modernizr JS Enables HTML5 Elements -->
<div id="main">
<!-- begin header -->
<div id="logo"</div>
<!-- menu -->
<!-- end header -->
<!-- begin content -->
<div id="site_content">
<div id="sidebar_container">
<div class="sidebar"></div>
<div class="content"></div>
<!-- end content -->
<!-- begin footer -->
<!-- end footer -->
<p> </p>
<!-- jQuery with plugins -->
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- initialise sooperfish menu -->
B) CSS Files and Structure - top
There is one stylesheet used in this theme:
style.css is the main stylesheet and is included in all pages. It contains all the structural stylings for the template.
C) Fonts - top
There are 2 fonts used in this theme. The fonts are Yanone Kaffeesatz and News Cycle. The font files are
fonts/YanoneKaffeesatz-Regular.eot (IE Specific)
fonts/NewsCycle-Regular.eot (IE Specific)
D) JavaScript - top
This theme imports several Javascript files.
modernizr is a Javascript library that enables HTML5 elements and feature detects.
jQuery is a Javascript library containing lots of commonly used Javascript functions.
Easing sooper is a jQuery plugin for easing transitions, optimised for the Sooperfish drop-down menu.
Sooperfish is a jQuery plugin for the drop-down menu.
E) Sources and Credits - top
I've used the following images, icons or other files as listed.
modernizr (MIT and BSD licenses)
jQuery (MIT and GPL licenses)
jQuery easing sooper (BSD license)
Sooperfish (GPL license)
Project Icons - Designed by Navdeep Raj
POr si vosotros quye sabeis más lo podéis entender mejor todo..
Gracias por leerme