Imagenes de las Librerias con sus Clases y Funciones:
Libreria CMS
Libreria Freelance Manager
Libreria Digital Downloads

Un ejemplo dentro de "class_core.php": en CMS
* Core Class
* @package CMS Pro
* @author
* @copyright 2010
* @version $Id: core_class.php, v2.00 2011-04-20 10:12:05 gewa Exp $
if (!defined("_VALID_PHP"))
die('Direct access to this location is not allowed.');
class Core
public $msgs = array();
public $showMsg;
private $sTable = "settings";
public $action = null;
public $maction = null;
public $paction = null;
public $do = null;
public $year = null;
public $month = null;
public $day = null;
private $langdir;
public $language;
public $lang_dir;
public $dblang;
public $langlist;
* Core::__construct()
* @return
public function __construct()
($this->dtz) ? date_default_timezone_set($this->dtz) : date_default_timezone_set('GMT');
$this->year = (get('year')) ? get('year') : strftime('%Y');
$this->month = (get('month')) ? get('month') : strftime('%m');
$this->day = (get('day')) ? get('day') : strftime('%d');
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year);
* Core::getSettings()
* @return
private function getSettings()
global $db;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->sTable;
$row = $db->first($sql);
$this->site_name = cleanOut($row['site_name']);
$this->company = cleanOut($row['company']);
$this->site_url = $row['site_url'];
$this->site_email = $row['site_email'];
$this->theme = $row['theme'];
$this->theme_var = $row['theme_var'];
$this->seo = $row['seo'];
$this->perpage = $row['perpage'];
$this->backup = $row['backup'];
$this->thumb_w = $row['thumb_w'];
$this->thumb_h = $row['thumb_h'];
$this->img_w = $row['img_w'];
$this->img_h = $row['img_h'];
$this->avatar_w = $row['avatar_w'];
$this->avatar_h = $row['avatar_h'];
$this->short_date = $row['short_date'];
$this->long_date = $row['long_date'];
$this->dtz = $row['dtz'];
$this->weekstart = $row['weekstart'];
$this->lang = $row['lang'];
$this->show_lang = $row['show_lang'];
$this->lang_dir = $row['langdir'];
$this->eucookie = $row['eucookie'];
$this->logo = $row['logo'];
$this->currency = $row['currency'];
$this->cur_symbol = $row['cur_symbol'];
$this->offline = $row['offline'];
$this->offline_msg = $row['offline_msg'];
$this->offline_data = $row['offline_data'];
$this->reg_verify = $row['reg_verify'];
$this->notify_admin = $row['notify_admin'];
$this->auto_verify = $row['auto_verify'];
$this->reg_allowed = $row['reg_allowed'];
$this->user_limit = $row['user_limit'];
$this->flood = $row['flood'];
$this->attempt = $row['attempt'];
$this->logging = $row['logging'];
$this->enablefb = $row['enablefb'];
$this->fbapi = $row['fbapi'];
$this->fbsecret = $row['fbsecret'];
$this->analytics = $row['analytics'];
$this->metakeys = $row['metakeys'];
$this->metadesc = $row['metadesc'];
$this->mailer = $row['mailer'];
$this->smtp_host = $row['smtp_host'];
$this->smtp_user = $row['smtp_user'];
$this->smtp_pass = $row['smtp_pass'];
$this->smtp_port = $row['smtp_port'];
$this->is_ssl = $row['is_ssl'];
$this->sendmail = $row['sendmail'];
$this->version = $row['version'];
Un ejemplo dentro de "class_core.php": en Freelance Manager
* Core Class
* @package Freelance Manager
* @author
* @copyright 2011
* @version $Id: core_class.php, v1.00 2011-06-05 10:12:05 gewa Exp $
if (!defined("_VALID_PHP"))
die('Direct access to this location is not allowed.');
class Core
const sTable = "settings";
public $year = null;
public $month = null;
public $day = null;
public $language;
* Core::__construct()
* @return
function __construct()
($this->dtz) ? date_default_timezone_set($this->dtz) : date_default_timezone_set('GMT');
$this->year = (get('year')) ? get('year') : strftime('%Y');
$this->month = (get('month')) ? get('month') : strftime('%m');
$this->day = (get('day')) ? get('day') : strftime('%d');
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year);
* Core::getSettings()
* @return
private function getSettings()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . self::sTable;
$row = Registry::get("Database")->first($sql);
$this->company = $row->company;
$this->site_url = $row->site_url;
$this->site_email = $row->site_email;
$this->address = $row->address;
$this->city = $row->city;
$this->state = $row->state;
$this->zip = $row->zip;
$this->phone = $row->phone;
$this->fax = $row->fax;
$this->logo = $row->logo;
$this->short_date = $row->short_date;
$this->long_date = $row->long_date;
$this->dtz = $row->dtz;
$this->lang = $row->lang;
$this->weekstart = $row->weekstart;
$this->enable_reg = $row->enable_reg;
$this->enable_tax = $row->enable_tax;
$this->tax_name = $row->tax_name;
$this->tax_rate = $row->tax_rate;
$this->tax_number = $row->tax_number;
$this->enable_offline = $row->enable_offline;
$this->offline_info = $row->offline_info;
$this->invoice_note = $row->invoice_note;
$this->invoice_number = $row->invoice_number;
$this->enable_uploads = $row->enable_uploads;
$this->file_types = $row->file_types;
$this->file_max = $row->file_max;
$this->perpage = $row->perpage;
$this->sbackup = $row->sbackup;
$this->currency = $row->currency;
$this->cur_symbol = $row->cur_symbol;
$this->tsep = $row->tsep;
$this->dsep = $row->dsep;
$this->invdays = $row->invdays;
$this->mailer = $row->mailer;
$this->smtp_host = $row->smtp_host;
$this->smtp_user = $row->smtp_user;
$this->smtp_pass = $row->smtp_pass;
$this->smtp_port = $row->smtp_port;
$this->sendmail = $row->sendmail;
$this->is_ssl = $row->is_ssl;
$this->crmv = $row->crmv;