Hola a todos, tengo una duda de aspecto legal mas que nada sobre el uso que puedo darle a un paquete de iconos con la siguiente licencia:
With this licence agreement between templay.de as the licensor and you, the as the licensee, you agree to the following conditions on purchasing or downloading any of the templay.de resources:
All ownership rights of the licensed stock resources remain owned by templay.de. The purchaser can use the licensed stock resources for personal and commercial projects including advertising, web design, software use, multi media design, film, video and computer games royality free.
Without a written agreement from templay.de the purchaser is not allowed to sell on licences from templay.de, to lend or re-sell the product.
The purchaser is not allowed to archive or make available the stock resources in any form on the internet. All licensed stock resources will be provided as originals. Templay.de can not be taken accountable for any damage caused by using or misusing of the resources.
Additional agreement for templay.de freebies
Freebies are all free graphics, free icons and free web templates - which can be used for personal and commercial projects and websites in original or edited form. When used privately and non commercial you do not have to name templay.de as the provider.
When used in any commercial form you have to name templay.de as the provider which has to include the URL of templay.de.
You can link freebies from your website to templay.de. You are not allowed to provide freebies for downloads or sell templay.de freebies in any form.
Additional agreement for templay.de tutorials
The author keeps the copyright of a tutorial with text and pictures. You can use effects from tutorials in your own commercial or non commercial projects. You can link tutorials of templay.de with your own or other websites.
Material such as pictures, fonds, audio, video and texts of tutorial are only to be used for illustration and must not be further used.
You are not allowed to publish or sell any of the templay.de tutorials or it's contents. It is also not allowed to publish templay.de tutorials in edited or translated form.
For any questions please use:
[email protected]
© 2010 templay
Los iconos en si los quería utilizar para una web con fines comerciales, serian parte del diseño de la web mas concretamente incluidos en una imagen de cabecera, por tanto entiendo obra derivada de los mismos.
Según la licencia debo de nombrar a el autor y poner un enlace a su web, pero ¿donde debería de hacerlo? ¿puedo ponerlo en los terminos legales de la web y es suficiente? ¿deberia de ser mas visible?
He intentado contactar con el autor y no me responde... espero que podais aclararme algo el asunto..