19/11/2012, 17:31
| | Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2009
Mensajes: 92
Antigüedad: 15 años, 11 meses Puntos: 2 | |
Respuesta: Wordpress: admin-hooks.php on line 160 Cita: <?php
- Hook Definitions
- Contextual Hook and Filter Functions
-- woo_do_atomic()
-- woo_apply_atomic()
-- woo_get_query_context()
/* Hook Definitions */
// header.php
function woo_head() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_head' ); }
function woo_top() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_top' ); }
function woo_header_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_header_before' ); }
function woo_header_inside() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_header_inside' ); }
function woo_header_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_header_after' ); }
function woo_nav_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_nav_before' ); }
function woo_nav_inside() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_nav_inside' ); }
function woo_nav_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_nav_after' ); }
// Template files: 404, archive, single, page, sidebar, index, search
function woo_content_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_content_before' ); }
function woo_content_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_content_after' ); }
function woo_main_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_main_before' ); }
function woo_main_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_main_after' ); }
function woo_post_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_post_before' ); }
function woo_post_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_post_after' ); }
function woo_post_inside_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_post_inside_before' ); }
function woo_post_inside_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_post_inside_after' ); }
function woo_loop_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_loop_before' ); }
function woo_loop_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_loop_after' ); }
// Tumblog Functionality
function woo_tumblog_content_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_tumblog_content_before', 'Before' ); }
function woo_tumblog_content_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_tumblog_content_after', 'After' ); }
// Sidebar
function woo_sidebar_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_sidebar_before' ); }
function woo_sidebar_inside_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_sidebar_inside_before' ); }
function woo_sidebar_inside_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_sidebar_inside_after' ); }
function woo_sidebar_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_sidebar_after' ); }
// footer.php
function woo_footer_top() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_footer_top' ); }
function woo_footer_before() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_footer_before' ); }
function woo_footer_inside() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_footer_inside' ); }
function woo_footer_after() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_footer_after' ); }
function woo_foot() { woo_do_atomic( 'woo_foot' ); }
/* Contextual Hook and Filter Functions */
/* woo_do_atomic() */
* Adds contextual action hooks to the theme. This allows users to easily add context-based content
* without having to know how to use WordPress conditional tags. The theme handles the logic.
* An example of a basic hook would be 'woo_head'. The woo_do_atomic() function extends that to
* give extra hooks such as 'woo_head_home', 'woo_head_singular', and 'woo_head_singular-page'.
* Major props to Ptah Dunbar for the do_atomic() function.
* @link http://ptahdunbar.com/wordpress/smarter-hooks-context-sensitive-hooks
* @since 3.9.0
* @uses woo_get_query_context() Gets the context of the current page.
* @param string $tag Usually the location of the hook but defines what the base hook is.
if ( ! function_exists( 'woo_do_atomic' ) ) {
function woo_do_atomic( $tag = '', $args = '' ) {
if ( !$tag ) { return false; } // End IF Statement
/* Do actions on the basic hook. */
do_action( $tag, $args );
/* Loop through context array and fire actions on a contextual scale. */
foreach ( (array) woo_get_query_context() as $context ) {
do_action( "{$tag}_{$context}", $args );
} // End FOREACH Loop
} // End woo_do_atomic()
} // End IF Statement
/* woo_apply_atomic() */
* Adds contextual filter hooks to the theme. This allows users to easily filter context-based content
* without having to know how to use WordPress conditional tags. The theme handles the logic.
* An example of a basic hook would be 'woo_entry_meta'. The woo_apply_atomic() function extends
* that to give extra hooks such as 'woo_entry_meta_home', 'woo_entry_meta_singular' and 'woo_entry_meta_singular-page'.
* @since 3.9.0
* @uses woo_get_query_context() Gets the context of the current page.
* @param string $tag Usually the location of the hook but defines what the base hook is.
* @param mixed $value The value to be filtered.
* @return mixed $value The value after it has been filtered.
if ( ! function_exists( 'woo_apply_atomic' ) ) {
function woo_apply_atomic( $tag = '', $value = '' ) {
if ( !$tag )
return false;
/* Get theme prefix. */
// $pre = woo_get_prefix();
$pre = 'woo';
/* Apply filters on the basic hook. */
$value = apply_filters( "{$pre}_{$tag}", $value );
/* Loop through context array and apply filters on a contextual scale. */
foreach ( (array)woo_get_query_context() as $context )
$value = apply_filters( "{$pre}_{$context}_{$tag}", $value );
/* Return the final value once all filters have been applied. */
return $value;
} // End woo_apply_atomic()
} // End IF Statement
/* woo_get_query_context() */
* Retrieve the context of the queried template.
* @since 3.9.0
* @return array $query_context
if ( ! function_exists( 'woo_get_query_context' ) ) {
function woo_get_query_context() {
global $wp_query, $query_context;
/* If $query_context->context has been set, don't run through the conditionals again. Just return the variable. */
if ( isset( $query_context->context ) && is_array( $query_context->context ) ) {
return $query_context->context;
} // End IF Statement
$query_context->context = array();
/* Front page of the site. */
if ( is_front_page() ) {
$query_context->context[] = 'home';
} // End IF Statement
/* Blog page. */
if ( is_home() && ! is_front_page() ) {
$query_context->context[] = 'blog';
/* Singular views. */
} elseif ( is_singular() ) {
$query_context->context[] = 'singular';
$query_context->context[] = "singular-{$wp_query->post->post_type}";
/* Page Templates. */
if ( is_page_template() ) {
$to_skip = array( 'page', 'post' );
$page_template = basename( get_page_template() );
$page_template = str_replace( '.php', '', $page_template );
$page_template = str_replace( '.', '-', $page_template );
if ( $page_template && ! in_array( $page_template, $to_skip ) ) {
$query_context->context[] = $page_template;
} // End IF Statement
} // End IF Statement
$query_context->context[] = "singular-{$wp_query->post->post_type}-{$wp_query->post->ID}";
/* Archive views. */
elseif ( is_archive() ) {
$query_context->context[] = 'archive';
/* Taxonomy archives. */
if ( is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag() ) {
$term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$query_context->context[] = 'taxonomy';
$query_context->context[] = $term->taxonomy;
$query_context->context[] = "{$term->taxonomy}-" . sanitize_html_class( $term->slug, $term->term_id );
/* User/author archives. */
elseif ( is_author() ) {
$query_context->context[] = 'user';
$query_context->context[] = 'user-' . sanitize_html_class( get_the_author_meta( 'user_nicename', get_query_var( 'author' ) ), $wp_query->get_queried_object_id() );
/* Time/Date archives. */
else {
if ( is_date() ) {
$query_context->context[] = 'date';
if ( is_year() )
$query_context->context[] = 'year';
if ( is_month() )
$query_context->context[] = 'month';
if ( get_query_var( 'w' ) )
$query_context->context[] = 'week';
if ( is_day() )
$query_context->context[] = 'day';
if ( is_time() ) {
$query_context->context[] = 'time';
if ( get_query_var( 'hour' ) )
$query_context->context[] = 'hour';
if ( get_query_var( 'minute' ) )
$query_context->context[] = 'minute';
/* Search results. */
elseif ( is_search() ) {
$query_context->context[] = 'search';
/* Error 404 pages. */
} elseif ( is_404() ) {
$query_context->context[] = 'error-404';
} // End IF Statement
return $query_context->context;
} // End woo_get_query_context()
} // End IF Statement
?> |