25/10/2012, 17:56
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: julio-2012 Ubicación: Bs.As. Argentina
Mensajes: 507
Antigüedad: 12 años, 7 meses Puntos: 86 | |
Respuesta: mail + registro en excel hola prueba y nos cuenta como anduvo Código PHP:
//Code by apg88 "apgForm(toExcel) 1.4"
// Determine if the form was sent through the GET methog or the POST method.
$array = $_GET;
}else if($_POST){
$array = $_POST;
} else {
echo "You must Access this file through a form."; // If someone accesses the file directly, it wont work :)
$nombre_eq = $_POST['nombre'];
$modalidad = $_POST['modalidad'];
$header = 'From: ' . $int1email . " \r\n";
$header .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . " \r\n";
$header .= "Mime-Version: 1.0 \r\n";
$header .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
$mensaje = "Este mensaje fue enviado por desde el formulario de pre-inscripción.<br />";
$mensaje .= "Estos son los datos enviados: <br /><br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Nombre del Equipo: </b>".$nombre_eq."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Modalidad: </b>".$modalidad."<br />";
$mensaje .= "-----------------------------------------------------<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Nombre integrante 1: </b>".$int1."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Cédula Nº: </b>".$int1ci."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Teléfono: </b>".$int1tel."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Celular: </b>".$int1cel."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Email: </b>".$int1email."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Tamaño de remera: </b>".$int1rem."<br />";
$mensaje .= "-----------------------------------------------------<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Nombre integrante 2: </b>".$int2."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Cédula Nº: </b>".$int2ci."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Teléfono: </b>".$int2tel."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Celular: </b>".$int2cel."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Email: </b>".$int2email."<br />";
$mensaje .= "<b>Tamaño de remera: </b>".$int2rem."<br />";
$mensaje .= "Enviado el " . date('d/m/Y', time());
$para = '[email protected]';
$asunto = 'Pre-inscripciones Mandu´ara Light '.date("Y");
mail($para, $asunto, utf8_decode($mensaje), $header);
// if the title wasnt sent through the form, it will become whatever you set it equal to in the next line
$array['title'] = "apgForm"; //Set default title to be displayed
echo $array['title'] .'</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">';
//Check if the filename was sent through the form or not
// if the filename wasnt sent through the form, it will become form.xls, you can change the default if you want.
$array['filename'] = "form.xls"; //Set the file to save the information in
} else {
$array['filename'] = $array['filename'] . ".xls";
// Change this to whatever you want the users to see after the form is processed
$continue = ' Here is a the Comment form your info was just sent to <a href="test.xls">Click
Here</a> to see the excel file.<br> <a href = "index.php">Click Here</a> To Return to apgForm ';
// Change this to the character(s) you want to be placed instead of line breaks(new line, enter, etc)
$lbChar = " "; // default is a space, you may change it to whatever you want
//----------------You do not need to change anything below this line-------------------
// Define the tab and carriage return characters:
$tab = "\t"; //chr(9);
$cr = "\n"; //chr(13);
// Make The Top row for the excel file and store it in the $header variable
$keys = array_keys($array);
foreach($keys as $key){
if(strtolower($key) != 'filename' && strtolower($key) != 'title'){
$header .= $key . $tab;
$header .= $cr;
//Make the line with the contents to write to the excel file.
foreach($keys as $key){
if(strtolower($key) != 'filename' && strtolower($key) != 'title'){
$array[$key] = str_replace("\n",$lbChar,$array[$key]);
$array[$key] = preg_replace('/([\r\n])/e',"ord('$1')==10?'':''",$array[$key]);
$array[$key] = str_replace("\\","",$array[$key]);
$array[$key] = str_replace($tab, " ", $array[$key]);
$data .= $array[$key] . $tab ;
$data .= $cr;
if (file_exists($array['filename'])) {
$final_data = $data; //if the file does exist, then only write the information the user sent
} else {
$final_data = $header . $data; //if file does not exist, write the header(first line in excel with titles) to the file
// open the file and write to it
$fp = fopen($array['filename'],"a"); // $fp is now the file pointer to file $array['filename']
fwrite($fp,$final_data); //Write information to the file
fclose($fp); // Close the file
echo "<script language=Javascript> location.href=\"gracias.html\"; </script>";
} else {
echo "</header><body>";
echo "Error al recibir los datos!" ;
__________________ Saludos!
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