Código PHP:
Ver original<?
Copyright (c) 1999 Marcel Lemmen
All rights reserved.
$files=array( 'track01.mp3', 'escreen.exe'); $filenames=array( 'Thank ABBA for the music.mp3', 'Escreen.exe'); $additional_info=array( 'Various artists - Thanx ABBA for the music : 4978602 by tes', 'Shareware program to make a screenshot: 529920 bytes');
$url= "/home/lemmen/public_html/data/";
/* When the files are on another server, use the
whole address (http://www.server.com/dir/) in stead of /home/lemmen... */
$thisfile= "http://$HTTP_HOST$PHP_SELF";
if ($referer!=$thisfile){
echo "<center><big>Homepage: <a href="http://home.support.nl/~lemmen">
for ($i=0;$i<count($files);$i++) echo "<P><A HREF="$PHP_SELF?$i">",$filenames[$i], "</A> $additional_i
else {
$total=$url . $files[$i];
Header ( "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); Header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filenames[$i]"); }
Googeleando encontre esto y lo probe, funciona perfectamente y creo que es exactamente lo que querias!!