Joer, que no cabe en una parte....
Código Swf:
Ver originalprivate function removeListeners() : void
this._playerLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, this.progressHandler);
this._playerLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.completeHandler);
this._playerLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.errorHandler);
this._playerLoader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, this.errorHandler);
}// end function
private function onPlayerLoadInit(param1:Event) : void
var _loc_2:* = getDefinitionByName("com.brightcove.player.Main") as Class;
this._player = new _loc_2;
addChild(this._player as Sprite);
this._flashVars.playerDirectory = Object(this._playerLoader.content).playerDirectory;
}// end function
private function initializeUniqueSWFIdentifier() : void
this._cookieContents = this.getBandwidthCookie();
if (!this._cookieContents)
this._flashVars.uniqueSWFIdentifier = new Date().getTime() + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000);
else if (this._cookieContents)
this._flashVars.uniqueSWFIdentifier = this._cookieContents[0];
this._flashVars.bandwidth = this._cookieContents[1];
this._flashVars.cookieComments.push("Bandwidth loaded from cookie: " + this._flashVars.bandwidth + " Kbps");
}// end else if
}// end function
public function getModule(param1:String) : Object
return this._player.getModule(param1);
}// end function
public function getModules() : Array
return this._player.getModules();
}// end function
public function getBandwidthCookie() : Array
var cookieJar:Array;
var bcCookieComponents:Array;
var cookieDocument:String;
var cookie:String;
var cookieGrab:String;
if (ExternalInterface.available)
cookieDocument =;
if (cookieDocument)
cookieJar = cookieDocument.split(";");
var _loc_2:int;
var _loc_3:* = cookieJar;
while (_loc_3 in _loc_2)
// label
cookie = _loc_3[_loc_2];
if (cookie.indexOf(this._cookieName + "=") != -1)
if (cookie.indexOf("X") != -1)
bcCookieComponents = cookie.split("X");
bcCookieComponents = cookie.split(",");
}// end else if
bcCookieComponents[0] = bcCookieComponents[0].substring(this._cookieName.length + 2);
if (bcCookieComponents[0] == "" || bcCookieComponents[1] == "")
this._flashVars.cookieComments.push("Error loading bandwidth cookie: corrupt cookie string.");
return null;
}// end if
if (int(bcCookieComponents[1]) == 0)
this._flashVars.cookieComments.push("Error using bandwidth cookie: bandwidth value is 0 in cookie.");
return null;
}// end if
}// end if
}// end while
if (bcCookieComponents == null)
this._flashVars.cookieComments.push("Bandwidth cookie was not found.");
}// end if
this._flashVars.cookieComments.push("Bandwidth cookie could not be found: unable to access the cookie document.");
}// end else if
this._flashVars.cookieComments.push("Bandwidth cookie could not be found: ExternalInterface is disabled.");
}// end else if
}// end try
catch (e:Error)
_flashVars.cookieComments.push("Bandwidth cookie could not be found: " + e.getStackTrace());
}// end catch
return bcCookieComponents;
}// end function