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Antiguo 27/04/2012, 05:10
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2012
Mensajes: 4
Antigüedad: 13 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 0
Exclamación Validar un checkbox

Hola amigos!
las estoy pasando realmente canutas queriendo hacer obligatorio el rellandao de unos checkbox y no lo consigo, he probado mil cosas y nada

os dejo el codigo del formulario entero, los check box estan al final del todo.
si pudierais dejarme un codigo JS que funcione.

Gracias de antemano!

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>WKF - Formulaire commande catalogue formation</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
function MM_validateForm() { //v4.0

if (document.getElementById){
var i,p,q,nm,test,num,min,max,errors='',args=MM_valida teForm.arguments;
for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) { test=args[i+2]; val=document.getElementById(args[i]);
if (val) {; if ((val=val.value)!="") {
if (test.indexOf('isEmail')!=-1) { p=val.indexOf('@');
if (p<1 || p==(val.length-1)) errors+=' Vous devez bien ecrire une direction e-mail.\n';
} else if (test!='B') { num = parseFloat(val);

if (test.indexOf('inRange') != -1) { p=test.indexOf(':');
min=test.substring(8,p); max=test.substring(p+1);
if (num<min || max<num) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number between '+min+' and '+max+'.\n';
} } } else if (test.charAt(0) == 'R') errors += '\n'; }
} if (errors) alert('Vous devez remplir les champs obligatoires\n'+errors);
document.MM_returnValue = (errors == '');

} }
function MM_showHideLayers() { //v9.0
var i,p,v,obj,args=MM_showHideLayers.arguments;
for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3)
with (document) if (getElementById && ((obj=getElementById(args[i]))!=null)) { v=args[i+2];
if ( {; v=(v=='show')?'visible':(v=='hide')?'hidden':v; }
obj.visibility=v; }


<div id="top_form" style=" width:800px; height:auto; margin: 0px auto auto; margin-bottom:20px; border-bottom: solid 3px #F00; background-color:#FFF ">
<div style="width:800px; border-bottom: solid #F00; background-color:#FFF; margin-top: 12px;">
<img src="../images/autre/logoLSform.jpg" />


<div class="Estilo2" style="text-align:left; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ; color:black; font-size:0.7em; padding-left: 80px;">

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="sendLS.php" onsubmit="return performCheck('form1', rules, 'inline');return false;">
<h3 style="color:#F00; margin: 20px -57px;">Pour télécharger le catalogue 2012, merci de renseigner le formulaire ci-dessous :</h3>

<input type="radio" name="civilite" value="madame" id="civ_0" />

<input type="radio" name="civilite" value="madmoiselle" id="civ_0" />

<input type="radio" name="civilite" value="monsieur" id="civ_0" />

Prénom<cite style="color:red">*</cite><br />
<input name="prenom" type="text" id="prenom" style="width:200px" />
</span><br />
Nom<cite style="color:red">*</cite><br />
<input name="nombrele" type="text" id="nombre" style="width:200px" />
<br />

Email<cite style="color:red">*</cite><br />
<input name="email" type="text" id="email" style="width:200px" />
<br />
Fonction<cite style="color:red">*</cite><br />
<input name="fonction" type="text" id="fonction" style="width:200px" /><br />
Raison sociale<cite style="color:red">*</cite><br />
<input name="rsociale" type="text" id="rsociale" style="width:200px" />
<p style="color:red; font-size:0.9em; margin-top:-5px">Les champs en rouge sont obligatoires</p>

<h3 style="color:#F00; margin: 20px -57px;">Centre(s) d´intérêt<cite style="color:red">*</cite></h3>

<input name="interet" type="checkbox" id="interet" value=" 1 " />
Pratique du droit social</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="interet0" value=" 2 " id="interet_0" />
Relations sociales</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="interet1" value=" 3 " id="interet_1" />
Stratégie et pilotage des RH</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="interet2" value="4 " id="interet_2" />
Formation et développement des RH</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="interet3" value="5 " id="interet_3" />
Santé au travail</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="interet4" value="6 " id="interet_4" />
Paye, rémunérations et protection sociale</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="interet5" value="Représentants Personnel " id="interet_5" />
Représentants du personnel</label>
<br />

<input style="margin-bottom:40px; margin-top:40px" name="Submit" type="submit" onclick="MM_validateForm('prenom','','R','nombre', '','R','email','','RisEmail', 'sisi','' );return document.MM_returnValue" value="Envoyer" />

