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Antiguo 05/04/2012, 23:07
Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2012
Mensajes: 6
Antigüedad: 12 años, 11 meses
Puntos: 0
Exclamación Perdon la molestia.

Hola a todos y perdon que moleste tanto esque resolvi muchos problemas del codigo con lo poco que se pero me quedaron algunos pendientes y queria saber si me podian ayudar.


package net.minecraft.src;

import java.util.*;

public class mod_Tutorial extends BaseMod
	public mod_Tutorial()
	public void registerBlocks()
	public void setTextures()
		copperIngot.iconIndex = ModLoader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/tutorial/copperingot.png");
		copperOreTexture = ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png", "/tutorial/copper.png");
	public void addNames()
		ModLoader.AddName(copperOre, "Copper Ore");
		ModLoader.AddName(copperIngot,"Copper Ingot");
	public void addSmelts()
		ModLoader.AddSmelting(copperOre.blockID, new ItemStack(copperIngot,1));
	public void GenerateSurface(World world, Random random, int i, int j)
		for(int k = 0; k < 25; k++)
			int l = i + random.nextInt(16);
			int i1 = random.nextInt(60);
			int j1 = j = random.nextInt(16);
			(new WorldGenMinable(copperOre.blockID, 3)).generate(world, random, l, i1, j1);
		public string Version()
			return "MC 1.2.5";
		public static int copperOreTexture;
		public static Block copperOre;
		public static Item copperIngot;
			copperOre = (new BlockCopperOre(97, copperOreTexture)).setHardness(0.5F).setResistance(1.0F).setBlockName("copperOre");
			copperIngot = (new Item(ModLoader.getUniqueEntityId())).setIconCoord(0, 0).setItemName("bronzeIngot");

package net.minecraft.src;

import java.util.*;

public class BlockCopperOre extends Block
	public BlockCopperOre(int i, int j)
		super(i, j, Material.rock);
	public int idDropped(int i, Random random)
		return mod_Tutorial.copperOre.blockID;


Errores (16)

__________________________________________________ __________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 48: error: illegal start of expressions

public string version();

__________________________________________________ __________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 48: error: ';' expected

public string version();

__________________________________________________ __________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 53: error: illegal start of expression

public static int copperOreTexture;
__________________________________________________ __________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 53 error: illegal start of expression

public static int copperOreTexture;
__________________________________________________ ___________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 53 error: ';' expected

public static int copperOreTexture;
__________________________________________________ ___________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 53: error: not a statement

public static int copperOreTexture;
__________________________________________________ ___________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 54: error: illegal start of expression

public static Block copperOre;
__________________________________________________ ___________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 54: error: illegal start of expression

public static Block copperOre;
__________________________________________________ ___________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 54: error: ';' expected

public static Block copperOre;
__________________________________________________ ___________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 54: error: not a statement

public static Block copperOre;
__________________________________________________ __________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 55: error: illegal start of expression

poublic static Item copperIngot;
__________________________________________________ __________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 55: error: illegal start of expression

public static Item copperIngot;
__________________________________________________ __________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 55: error: ';' expected

public static Item copperIngot
__________________________________________________ ___________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 55: error: not a statement

public static Item copperIngot;
__________________________________________________ __________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 57: error: illegal start of expression

__________________________________________________ __________

src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ 64: error: reached end of file while parsing

16 errors

Perdon por pedir tanta ayuda, pero la verdad yo aprendo cuando otro me explica como se arreglan las cosas, si me tienen que putear haganlo xD pero ayudenme por favor, muchas gracias!