Un saludo utilizo una funcion para encriptar (la baje de la web es para visual basic 6) que utiliza la funcion "UserKeyASCIIS" y "TextASCIIS" pero estas funciones no las reconoce visual studio 2005 (vb) , por favor alguien save cual podria utilizar en lugar de estas? o si tengo que agrega alguna referencia? gracias
Código vb:
Ver originalOption Explicit
Private Const MODULE_NAME As String = "mRafael"
Public Const LlaveMaster As String = "xm8CLseixmy416hTH"
Public Const IDSEP As String = "¦"
Global Const ENCRYPT As Integer = 0
Global Const DECRYPT As Integer = 1
Public Function EncryptString(UserKey As String, text As String, Action As Single) As String
Dim UserKeyX As String
Dim temp As Integer
Dim Times As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim rtn As String
'//Get UserKey characters
n = Len(UserKey)
ReDim UserKeyASCIIS(1 To n)
For i = 1 To n
UserKeyASCIIS(i) = Asc(Mid$(UserKey, i, 1))
'//Get Text characters
ReDim TextASCIIS(Len(text)) As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(text)
TextASCIIS(i) = Asc(Mid$(text, i, 1))
If Action = ENCRYPT Then
For i = 1 To Len(text)
j = IIf(j + 1 >= n, 1, j + 1)
temp = TextASCIIS(i) + UserKeyASCIIS(j)
If temp > 255 Then
temp = temp - 255
End If
rtn = rtn + Chr$(temp)
ElseIf Action = DECRYPT Then
For i = 1 To Len(text)
j = IIf(j + 1 >= n, 1, j + 1)
temp = TextASCIIS(i) - UserKeyASCIIS(j)
If temp < 0 Then
temp = temp + 255
End If
rtn = rtn + Chr$(temp)
End If
EncryptString = rtn
End Function