24/01/2012, 17:31
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2011 Ubicación: argentina
Mensajes: 213
Antigüedad: 13 años, 2 meses Puntos: 59 | |
Respuesta: Crear div con mouse click lo que buscas es un efecto
drag and drop
un ej jquery:
* EasyDrag 1.4 - Drag & Drop jQuery Plug-in
* Thanks for the community that is helping the improvement
* of this little piece of code.
* For usage instructions please visit http://fromvega.com
// to track if the mouse button is pressed
var isMouseDown = false;
// to track the current element being dragged
var currentElement = null;
// callback holders
var dropCallbacks = {};
var dragCallbacks = {};
// global position records
var lastMouseX;
var lastMouseY;
var lastElemTop;
var lastElemLeft;
// track element dragStatus
var dragStatus = {};
// returns the mouse (cursor) current position
$.getMousePosition = function(e){
var posx = 0;
var posy = 0;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
posx = e.pageX;
posy = e.pageY;
else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return { 'x': posx, 'y': posy };
// updates the position of the current element being dragged
$.updatePosition = function(e) {
var pos = $.getMousePosition(e);
var spanX = (pos.x - lastMouseX);
var spanY = (pos.y - lastMouseY);
$(currentElement).css("top", (lastElemTop + spanY));
$(currentElement).css("left", (lastElemLeft + spanX));
// when the mouse is moved while the mouse button is pressed
if(isMouseDown && dragStatus[currentElement.id] == 'on'){
// update the position and call the registered function
if(dragCallbacks[currentElement.id] != undefined){
dragCallbacks[currentElement.id](e, currentElement);
return false;
// when the mouse button is released
if(isMouseDown && dragStatus[currentElement.id] == 'on'){
isMouseDown = false;
if(dropCallbacks[currentElement.id] != undefined){
dropCallbacks[currentElement.id](e, currentElement);
return false;
// register the function to be called while an element is being dragged
$.fn.ondrag = function(callback){
return this.each(function(){
dragCallbacks[this.id] = callback;
// register the function to be called when an element is dropped
$.fn.ondrop = function(callback){
return this.each(function(){
dropCallbacks[this.id] = callback;
// stop the element dragging feature
$.fn.dragOff = function(){
return this.each(function(){
dragStatus[this.id] = 'off';
$.fn.dragOn = function(){
return this.each(function(){
dragStatus[this.id] = 'on';
// set an element as draggable - allowBubbling enables/disables event bubbling
$.fn.easydrag = function(allowBubbling){
return this.each(function(){
// if no id is defined assign a unique one
if(undefined == this.id || !this.id.length) this.id = "easydrag"+(new Date().getTime());
// set dragStatus
dragStatus[this.id] = "on";
// change the mouse pointer
$(this).css("cursor", "move");
// when an element receives a mouse press
// set it as absolute positioned
$(this).css("position", "absolute");
// set z-index
$(this).css("z-index", "10000");
// update track variables
isMouseDown = true;
currentElement = this;
// retrieve positioning properties
var pos = $.getMousePosition(e);
lastMouseX = pos.x;
lastMouseY = pos.y;
lastElemTop = this.offsetTop;
lastElemLeft = this.offsetLeft;
return allowBubbling ? true : false;
ponelo en y en el html
<title>EasyDrag Demo</title>
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="jquery.easydrag.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<style type="text/css">
#box1 {
font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Tahoma, Verdana;
background-color: yellow;
padding: 5px;
border: 2px solid orange;
width: 200px;
<h3>EasyDrag jQuery Plugin </h3>
<div id="box1">Versión demo de Easy Drag</div>
__________________ PD gracias por el karma |