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  #4 (permalink)  
Antiguo 16/01/2012, 09:32
Avatar de hendrix
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2003
Ubicación: chile lindo
Mensajes: 1.109
Antigüedad: 21 años, 4 meses
Puntos: 7
Respuesta: No puedo ingresar a la administración del joomla

encontre esto por ahi..

If you can’t access your admin area and you are returned to the login page when entering the correct details, you should check if the plugin User - Joomla! Is properly enabled.

In order to do so, log in to your cPanel -> phpMyAdmin, select your database from the left menu, click on the jos_plugins table (the prefix may vary depending on your Joomla configuration), and select the User - Joomla! entry.

Make sure that the value next to the “published” field is set to 1. If it is different – this is the reason for the problem and you should change the value to 1. Click on the GO button and test if you can log in.