Usando las etiquetas PHP, se colorea el texto y se ve antes el error.
Código PHP:
// formmail version (for debugging mostly)
$version = "4.1b";
// referers.. domains/ips that you will allow forms to
// reside on.
$referers = array ('','','aqui pongo la direccion IP');
// banned emails, these will be email addresses of people
// who are blocked from using the script (requested)
$banlist = array ('*');
// our mighty error function..
function print_error($reason,$type = 0) {
global $version;
build_body($title, $bgcolor, $text_color, $link_color, $vlink_color, $alink_color, $style_sheet);
// for missing required data
if ($type == "missing") {
The form was not submitted for the following reasons:<p>
echo $reason."\n";
Please use your browser's back button to return to the form and try again.<?
} else { // every other error
The form was not submitted because of the following reasons:<p>
echo "<br><br>\n";
Sin embargo, todo parece correcto