Ya encontré la solución esta en eta pagina: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=349
Esto es solo el código:
Código PHP:
Ver original<HTML>
<HEAD><TITLE>Demonstration of Weird ODBC Behavior</TITLE></HEAD>
/* connect to the data source */
echo "Connecting to database<BR><BR>\n";
/* execute query */
echo "Executing Query<BR><BR>\n";
$dbResult = odbc_exec($DatabaseID, "SELECT * FROM activitytype");
/* get each row */
echo "Fetched a row<BR><BR>\n";
/* put three of the columns into variable */
echo "Setting Variables<BR><BR>\n";
$acttype_shortdescription = odbc_result($dbResult, "ShortDescription"); $acttype_longdescription = odbc_result($dbResult, "LongDescription");
/* print out the variables */
echo "Printing data<BR><BR>\n";
echo $acttype_id . " " . $acttype_shortdescription . "<BR>\n";
echo $acttype_longdescription . "<BR><BR>\n";
/* free the memory */
echo "Freeing result<BR><BR>\n";
Gracias por sus respuestas