Hola amigos creo que tengo un gran problema. a ver si me ayudan, intente hacer un traspaso de 1 dominio de un registrante a otro pero despues de pagar y esperar me han denegado el traspaso y eso que soy el propietario..
1.- solicite desde namecheap el traspaso de 1 dominio pagando, y que este estaba en joker vean-> Item 1:
Part #: pereztroff.com
Quantity: 1
Description: Transfer - pereztroff.com
Price: $8.88
Item Total: $8.88
2.- me confirman el traspaso namecheap con-> Thank you very much for registering domains at namecheap.com. The following
is the summary of your registration.
Transfered to Namecheap
pereztroff.com transfer accepted for 1 Year(s)
3.- recibo un mail de joker que me dice -> Your notification for the request for transfer of
Domain Name : pereztroff.com
which is currently registered at Joker.com
has been processed.
Notification mails have been sent to
the owner-c:
[email protected]
the admin-c:
[email protected] 4.- joker me manda este otro-> There are only 2 possibilities for your answer:
delete the 1st line (AGREE:YES) if you do not want to transfer the domain to another registrar.
delete the 2nd line (AGREE:NO) if you want to transfer the domain to another registrar.
AGREE:YES ( I want to transfer the domain )
AGREE:NO ( I do NOT want to transfer the domain )
Replies which contains both lines, will be considered as AGREE=NO
Replies which have that lines modified or both deleted will be considered as AGREE=NO
No response will be considered as AGREE=NO.
Different responses from owner and admin-c will be considered as AGREE=NO
We will consider AGREE=YES only if we receive both or only one answer which has
only the line AGREE=YES.
5.- y otro mas de joker-> admin:
email :
[email protected]
sent_by_joker_at:2003-05-27 23:37:56
received_at :2003-05-27 23:53:40
status :acknowledged
email :
[email protected]
sent_by_joker_at:2003-05-27 23:37:56
received_at :2003-05-27 23:55:02
status :acknowledged
¿que hice mal? ¿porque me han denegado el traspaso? por cierto en el punto 4 que tenia que haber contestado y como??? gracias.
lo que mas fastidia es que sedieron mucha prisa en cobrar.¿que puedo hacer ahora?