Buen dia a todos.
Tengo el siguiente problema.Me bombardean el correo del hosting con el siguiente mensaje:
[email protected].
<b>phpMyDB Error</b> <br />(1064) in line 84 error:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(DAY,H.hitTime,now())<=7
group by P.idPost,P.title,P.idCategory' at line 6
<br/>Query: select P.*,C.friendlyName,(select friendlyName from oc_categories where idCAtegory=C.idCategoryParent Limit 1) parent
from oc_categories C inner join
(SELECT count(P.idPost) cont,P.idPost,P.title,P.type,P.idCategory FROM oc_posts P
inner join oc_postshits H
on P.idPost=H.idPost
where P.isConfirmed=1 and P.isAvailable=1 and TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,H.hitTime,now())<=7
group by P.idPost,P.title,P.idCategory,P.type) P
on P.idCategory=C.idCategory
order by 1 desc Limit 5 <br/>File: /index.php<br />PHP 5.2.9 (Linux)<br />
Aborting...<br />
He intentado hacer lo posible, pero aun me sigue aparencindo , alguna idea de lo que es?
De antemano gracias.