Buenas, estoy liandome a aprender as3, y crear algun jueguecito, pero me ha salido un error que no entiendo, Hos pongo todo el codigo de la classe principal (Lucha), aunque me parece que estara al principio:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
public class Lucha extends Sprite
public var terrain_bmpd=new BitmapData(550,200,true,0xFF00FF00);//This is the Bitmap of the terrain
public var terrain_bmp=new Bitmap(terrain_bmpd);//and this the BitmapData
public var pj = new Pj();
public var bala = new Bala();
public var pj_velocidad:Number=0;
public var abujero=new Sprite();//That's the hole we need
public var abujero_matrix:Matrix;//The hole_matrix is used to set the position of the hole
public var left_key:Boolean;
public var right_key:Boolean;
public var space_key:Boolean;
public var Balavelocidad:int=5;
public var a_key:Boolean;
public var disparo:Boolean;
public var jumping:Boolean=true;//When that variable is true, the character is in the air
public var i:int;//We will use this variable to make a loop
public function Lucha()
DibujarObjetos();//This function draws the character, the terrain and the hole.
public function mover_pj(e:Event) {
if (a_key) {
bala = new Bala();
bala.x = pj.x;
bala.y = pj.y;
if ( terrain_bmpd.hitTest(new Point(terrain_bmp.x,terrain_bmp.y),0x01,new Rectangle( bala.x-6,bala.y-10,1,17))) {
abujero_matrix=new Matrix();//We need to reset the matrix each new hole
abujero_matrix.translate(bala.x - terrain_bmp.x, bala.y - terrain_bmp.y);//and setthe coordinates of the hole
terrain_bmpd.draw(abujero, abujero_matrix, null, BlendMode.ERASE);//Then, we can draw the hole in the BitmapData
}else{Balavelocidad = 5}
bala.y += Balavelocidad;
//If left key is pressed, we'll move the character to the left
if (left_key) {
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {//Do you remember when we made the character fall? We had to move the character pixel by pixel
if (! terrain_bmpd.hitTest(new Point(terrain_bmp.x,terrain_bmp.y),0x01,new Rectangle( pj.x-6, pj.y-10,1,17))) {
pj.x--; /*If the character doesn't hit the ground, we can move left. However,
the character may be sunk under the ground. We have to lift it*/
while (terrain_bmpd.hitTest(new Point(terrain_bmp.x,terrain_bmp.y),0x01,new Rectangle( pj.x-5, pj.y+9,10,1))) {
if (right_key) {//Well, that's the same for the right key
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
if (! terrain_bmpd.hitTest(new Point(terrain_bmp.x,terrain_bmp.y),0x01,new Rectangle( pj.x+5, pj.y-10,1,17))) {
while (terrain_bmpd.hitTest(new Point(terrain_bmp.x,terrain_bmp.y),0x01,new Rectangle( pj.x-5, pj.y+9,10,1))) {
if (space_key&&! jumping) {//That's easy: if he isn't jumping and you press space, his speed will be negative and he'll jump
jumping=true;//Now the character can't jump again
pj_velocidad++;//Every frame we will increase character's speed
if ( pj_velocidad>0) {
//If the speed is positive, we will check a collision between the terrain and the rectangle below the character
for (i=0; i< pj_velocidad; i++) {//We check the collision pixel by pixel...
if (! terrain_bmpd.hitTest(new Point(terrain_bmp.x,terrain_bmp.y),0x01,new Rectangle( pj.x-5, pj.y+9,10,1))) {
pj.y++;//If there isn't a collision, the character will fall
} else {
jumping=false;//If there's a collision with the ground, the character isn't jumping
pj_velocidad=0;//The speed is 0, because the character hit the ground
} else {
for (i=0; i<Math.abs( pj_velocidad); i++) {//If the speed is negative, the for loop won't work. We have to use Math.abs().
//Now we will check the collision between the terrain and the rectangle above the character
if (! terrain_bmpd.hitTest(new Point(terrain_bmp.x,terrain_bmp.y),0x01,new Rectangle( pj.x-5, pj.y-10,10,1))) {
} else {
pj_velocidad=0;//Well, that's the same: the character hit the ground
public function mouse_up(e:MouseEvent) {
abujero_matrix=new Matrix();//We need to reset the matrix each new hole
abujero_matrix.translate(e.stageX-terrain_bmp.x,e.stageY-terrain_bmp.y);//and setthe coordinates of the hole
terrain_bmpd.draw(abujero,abujero_matrix,null,BlendMode.ERASE);//Then, we can draw the hole in the BitmapData
public function key_down(e:KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.keyCode==37) {
left_key = true;
scaleX *= -1;
if (e.keyCode==39) {
right_key = true;
if (e.keyCode==32) {
if (e.keyCode==65) {
public function key_up(e:KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.keyCode==37) {
left_key = false;
if (e.keyCode==39) {
right_key = false;
if (e.keyCode==32) {
if (e.keyCode==65) {
public function DibujarObjetos() {
terrain_bmp.y=200;//The terrain shouldn't be at the top of the stage!
stage.addChild(terrain_bmp);//We can make the terrain visible
pj = new Pj();
pj.x = 200;
pj.y = 100;
pj.width = 10;
pj.height = 20;
abujero.graphics.beginFill(0x000000);//Now we draw the hole. It doesn't matter the colour.
He ido probando cosillas,ir borrando funciones haber si fallaba en alguna, y al final en el contructor, si borro:
(Sigue dando error).
Si borro los listeners:
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,mover_pj) ;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,mouse_u p);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,key_ down);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP,key_up );
(tambien sigue dando error.)
Pero si borro los 2 a la vez deja de darme error.
Haber si me podeis ayudar. El error es el siguiente:
TypeError: Error #1009: No se puede acceder a una propiedad o a un método de una referencia a un objeto nulo.
at Lucha/DibujarObjetos()
at Lucha()
Si borro del constructor DibujarObjetos(); , tambien desaparece del error quedando solo at Lucha().