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  #4 (permalink)  
Antiguo 02/08/2011, 11:44
Fecha de Ingreso: julio-2010
Mensajes: 166
Antigüedad: 14 años, 7 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: Pagina principal mostrar solo titulos con link

Gracias por las respuestas pero recien empiezo con wordpress (hace 3-4 dias) y haber si me pueden decir donde tendria que poner ese codigo, supongo que en el index.php pero en que parte tengo que ponerlo y por que debo sustituirlo?

Ahí dejo el codigo de mi index.php:
<?php get_header(); ?>

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ -->

Content of the page (inc comments and post details)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ -->
<div id="page-body-wrapper">

	<div id="content">


The Home Page 'Page Block'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ -->
		$thispage = new WP_Query();
		$option = hmt_get_option(hmt_featured); 	// get the featured page option
		$thispage->query('page_id=' . $option);
		if (($option!="") && (!is_paged())) { 		// if a featured home page option has been specified  
													// and this is is the first page of posts, then show the featured page
			$thispage->the_post(); ?>
The Home Page 'Page Block' content 
~~~ -->
			<div class="featured-page-content">
Widget Area: [All Content] Above 
~~~ -->			
				dynamic_sidebar('[All Content] Above'); 
				$ads_already_shown = TRUE;										// this lets subsequent blog posts know that they are not the first thing on the page
																				// and therefore no ads will be shown around them. Ads only show on the first item on the page.
				echo '<h1 class="h1-underline">'; the_title(); echo '</h1>';	// This is the most important thing on the page for indexing and therefore gets a H1
				dynamic_sidebar('[Content Item] Above');
				dynamic_sidebar('[Content Item] Left'); 
				dynamic_sidebar('[Content Item] Right');
				if (function_exists('has_post_thumbnail')) {				
					if (has_post_thumbnail()) { //  new for 10/03/2010 - okay so if this post has a thumbnail (as per wp 2.9 thumnail features) then do something about it ?>
					<div class="common-page-thumbnail-left">		   
				dynamic_sidebar('[Content Item] Below');
				echo "\n"; 
			</div> <!-- class="featured-page-content" -->
			<div class="clearFloat"></div>
The Home Page 'Page Block' post details 
~~~ -->
			<div class="featured-page-details">		
				<p>Posted by
					<?php echo get_the_author(); ?>
					<?php /* the_author_posts_link(); */ /*uncomment this if you actually want a link to the authors posts - it reveals the authors username though - or am I being too security concious? */?>
					<?php the_date(); echo ' at '; the_time(); /* changed date and time format 19/10/09 so that default system date and time is used instead of preset date and time */ ?>
				<?php edit_post_link('(Edit)', '', ''); ?>
			</div> <!-- class="featured-page-details" -->
		/* Update for v2.3 19/10/09 
		In 2.2 common.php did not override properly in child themes.
		This new code checks to see if a child theme is installed, 
		and then checks to see if common.php exists in the child theme.
		If if does exist in the child theme then the child theme version of 
		common.php is included. 
		If not, then the common.php from the parent theme is included.
		$stylesheetfile = STYLESHEETPATH . '/common.php'; 
		if (function_exists('hmt_child_theme') && (file_exists($stylesheetfile)))
		/* end of update */ 

	</div> <!-- id="content" -->
	<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

</div> <!-- id="page-body-wrapper" -->

<?php get_footer(); ?>

End of index.php
~~~ -->
Gracias y disculpen mi ignorancia