Entonces los indices son por campo y no por registro???' ya me quedo mas claro solo quiero saber eso.
Esque tengo un problema, una gringa reviso nuestras bases de datos ya que tenemos problemas con ella y nos mando a decir esto:
Cita: Hello,
The speed of loading the tools is based on database size, index fragmentation, and processing power. The first recommendation to speed processing would be server maintenance, reindexing the tables when the site is not running is highly recommended.
I have reindexed a few of your key growth tables, but server maintenance is the responsibility of the site. If you have a down period that you would like me to enable a task to run a job to reindex, please submit an RFC for this automatic job to be enabled. Otherwise, please ask your SQL Server Support team to perform database maintenance. If you need Fortech to provide this maintenance, please send a request to
[email protected] for a proposal to perform this maintenance for you when the site will be down.
Crees tu que con los indices podemos solucionar esto?