04/06/2011, 05:33
| | Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2010
Mensajes: 353
Antigüedad: 14 años, 8 meses Puntos: 6 | |
PHP orientado a objetos hola,
Estoy muy perdido mirad os comento el problema.
Tengo estas dos clases. TaskClass
class TaskClass{
private $hasChanged;// notify if the task has been change
private $deleted;// notify if the task has been removed
private $childsDeleted; //notify if the task has been removed so has been his children
//put your properties here, ex: childs, inidate, endate...
//projectid taskid name initialdate enddate desc parentid
private $taskId;
private $name;
private $iniDate;
private $endDate;
private $desc;
private $parentId;
private $childs = array();// Array de hijos
function __construct($parentId,$name, $iniDate, $endDate, $desc){
$this->parentId = $parentId;
$this->name = $name;
$this->iniDate = $iniDate;
$this->endDate = $endDate;
$this->desc = $desc;
public function createChild($parentId,$name, $iniDate, $endDate, $desc){
// create a new object
$TaskClass = new TaskClass($parentId,$name, $iniDate, $endDate, $desc);
$this->childs[] = $TaskClass;
function addChid($task){
//adds a subtask
function removeAll(){
//remove all task includes himself
function getParentId(){
//return parent task id
return $this->parentId;
function getChild($taskId){
//return (could be a direct or non direct child)
foreach ($this->childs as $value) {
function addWorker($userId){
// workers MUST be users that belongs to groupId
function deleteWorker($userId){
// delete a worker from that task
function save(){
//save this object and his workers to BD throught BDController
//and save all childs
//if one task is mark for erased, then must be erase from BD
class ProjectClass
private $groupId;
private $name;
private $projectId;
private $tasks = array();//array of main tasks
public function __construct($opcion,$var1,$var2){
if($opcion =="CreariDProject"){$this->CreariDProject($var1);}
public function CreariDProject($var1){
$this->projectId = $var1;
public function CrearProject($var1){
$this->name = $var1;
public function Asignar($var1,$var2){
$this->projectId = $var1;
$this->groupId = $var2;
public function getProjectId(){
return $this->projectId;
public function getGroupId(){
return $this->groupId;
public function getNameProject(){
return $this->name;
public function createMainTask($parentId,$name, $iniDate, $endDate, $desc){
// create a new object(rojectid(atuomatico) taskid name initialdate enddate desc parentid(asignar))
$TaskClass = new TaskClass($parentId,$name, $iniDate, $endDate, $desc);
$this->task[] = $TaskClass;
public function deleteTask($taskId){
// only mark for remove the task selected.
// if the task has childs then, are direct sons of his grandfather.
public function deleteBranch($taskId){
// mark for remove the task selected and all of his sons
public function addWorker($taskId, $userId){
//add a person as a worker in that task
public function deleteWorker($taskId, $userId){
// delete a worker from that task
public function saveChanges(){
//saves the project. In fact, it only saves the tasks and his workers
private function loadTasks(){
// load all tasks of the project
Supongo lo siguiente(correjidme si me equivoco xD): Project class tiene array de task donde parentId sea 0 o NULL y por cada posicion de esa array tiene un array de taskclass DONDE el parentId es igual al taskId del padre. Pero también pueden haber hijas de hijas osea taskClass que tengan como hijas otras taskClass :S no sé si me explico
La questión esque no se como hacer esto.. he estado mirando paginas i tal pero sigo sin enterarme, un ejemplo o si puede ser una solución muy simple creo que me sacaría de dudas.
Gracias de antemano |